Sunday, September 28, 2008

Stan Cox: Keep the Germ Labs Quarantined

Everybody in Kansas should be reading this and be out there taking action against this most horrible of ideas coming our way. Somebody, somewhere in this state must be listening, surely we can't be this stupid to allow this into the mainland, let alone inside Kansas. [excerpt] Scientists, farmers and government officials for 80 years have kept the U.S. mainland free of the virus that causes foot-and-mouth disease — a horrific, highly contagious killer of cloven-footed livestock such as cattle. But our government may soon bring the virus onto the mainland on purpose.The Department of Homeland Security is seeking a home for a National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility that would, among other things, take over the work of Plum Island Animal Disease Center, a former Department of Agriculture complex lying off the east end of New York’s Long Island. But Homeland Security proposes to do this on one of five inland sites, all in agricultural regions. ... Read Keep the Germ Labs Quarantined and pssssssssssst, do something.

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