Sunday, September 21, 2008

Michael Hudson: "Financial Bailout: America's Own Kleptocracy" - Global Research

First link hat tip to Tom Feely's Information Clearinghouse for this link. [excerpt]
... A kleptocratic class has taken over the economy to replace industrial capitalism. Franklin Roosevelt's term "banksters" says it all in a nutshell. The economy has been captured - by an alien power, but not the usual suspects. Not socialism, workers or "big government," nor by industrial monopolists or even by the great banking families. Certainly not by Freemasons and Illuminati. (It would be wonderful if there were indeed some group operating with centuries of wisdom behind them, so at least someone at least had a plan.) Rather, the banksters have made a compact with an alien power -not Communists, Russians, Asians or Arabs. Not humans at all. The group's cadre is a new breed of machine. It may sound like the Terminator movies, but computerized Machines have indeed taken over the world - at least, the White House's world. Here is how they did it. ... Read more at Global Research (after the jump, scroll down past their blank layout to get to Hudson's text.)

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