Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Constitution Day Special: America and China Joined at the Hip | This Can't Be Happening!

The similarities are extremely noteworthy; Kansas Republican Party mandated signed loyalty oaths, to the party's theocratic platform, unwarranted "legal" seizure of property, militarization of local police forces, a technology centered surveillance state, and a "loyal" opposition political party i. e. the minority Democrats who seek to survive by catering to the reactionary sentiments cultivated from those policies. No "breakouts" here, yet.

Dave Lindorff writes: .... With the government now having spent over $800 billion in less than a year shoring up tottering financial companies that had become little more than casinos (and rigged ones at that), America is looking increasingly like China, a country where the state has been gradually getting out of the business of directly owning companies. At this point, with the US government owning 80 percent of the world’s largest insurance company, AIG, and essentially owning mortgage firms Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae as well as bankrupt Lehman Brothers, and with the nation’s two largest automakers in line asking for $25 billion in government loans, one would be hard-pressed to spot the difference between the two systems. ... click This Can't Be Happening! because it is.

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