Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Remembering When the Government Was at Least Approachable | This Can't Be Happening!

Our world, a Nation without empathy. We must remain in joyful embrace of the Hard Gravel Roads ahead, in the small places that still exist.

If you missed Dave Lindorff on Radio Free Kansas during last Sunday's Stakeout, you missed some smart and entertaining fun. After reading his latest today I felt it necessary to stake out some claim to a place where the government, the cops and the people are in Dave's terms "at least approachable." The amiable claim can still be made of Jefferson county, Kansas and pretty much other remote bastions of the last of Front Porch America. I can recount many examples, where life in and around the Kansas small towns makes still for a neighborly existence, despite our tortured past as a settler state based on dislocating the original Native Americans, a delusional bliss still abides here. Faced with the horror of the creation of what Mr. Lindorff writes of where, "Today the White House is a bunker. Federal police carry assault weapons. Snipers man the roof of the White House. People who write letters of complaint to minor federal officials can end up being strip-searched and arrested. ..." I take the joyful embrace of the reality of a difficult struggle. Read of some days gone by before the modern Empire of America largely evolved into a permanent Terror Police State. It is happening now at: This Can't Be Happening!

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