Thursday, August 14, 2008

Paul Craig Roberts: "President Bush, Will You Please Shut Up?"

What to do when Auntie Em and Uncle Red just don't get it? Well duhhhh .... give Rush "lint brain" Limbaugh $400 million and let him tell'em how to think!

I have finally came to the painful conclusion that many of my Republican friends and relatives do not understand or care to fathom what a neo-conservative is, or how they have been fooled into thinking that the Republican Party is republican, anymore. Reluctantly I witness that they no longer sit on the front porch and read or listen and talk to their radical friends and relatives anymore. They have become a new form of 21st century dumbed down zombie news consumers, like many of their "liberal" counterparts. Here is the former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration, an Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review, maybe, just maybe and it's a big maybe ... they will read this guy. [excerpt] "The neoconned Bush Regime and the Israeli-occupied American media are heading the innocent world toward nuclear war. Back in the Reagan years the National Endowment for Democracy was created as a cold war tool. Today the NED is a neocon-controlled agent for US world hegemony. Its main function is to pour US money and election-rigging into former constituent parts of the Soviet Union in order to ring Russia with American puppet states. ..." Surely, my Republican relatives, friends and neighbors can understand when to say, "President Bush, Will You Please Shut Up?"

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