Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's a Class War, Stupid : Rolling Stone

A smart reader sends along this forward, just in time for the Obama mania sweeping "Old Europe" ever hopeful for some change from the morbidly malignant foreign policy of the current administration. Rolling Stone writer, Matt Taibbi pounds a drum with:

[excerpt] "In these pieces we already see the candidates trying on, like shoes, the various storylines we might soon have hammered into our heads like wartime slogans. Most hilarious from my viewpoint is the increasingly real possibility that the Republicans will eventually decide that their best shot against Obama is to pull out the old "He's a flip-flopper" strategy — which would be pathetic, given that this was the same tired tactic they used against John Kerry four years ago, were it not for the damning fact that it might actually work again. (I'm actually not sure sometimes what is more repulsive: the bosh they trot out as campaign "issues," or the enthusiasm with which the public buys it.)..." Read it now because It's a Class War, Stupid

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