The unhinged conservatives' dilemma unfolds.

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This post deals less with Giraldi's essay about his view of Iran and the warnings he posts to his conservative comrades than with all those who carry that mildewed and frayed flag. A flag he and numerous Libertarians still cling to, even as it is blown to pieces in the face of a self-described "conservative" authoritarian rule; fervently loyal to leaders, frequently bullies, highly religious, and makes up about 25% of the nation's population. Conservatives have a lot of problems today, but a number of big shot Democrats would easily assume that position.
Read his article, but get a load of a related, free-range discussion with Anti-war Radio's Scott Horton and writer Philip Giraldi. They're rightfully worried about the peculiar shift developing among the corporate gang-bosses in the Democratic Party. Giraldi, a former intelligence officer with Defense and the CIA, comments on the recent law making it's way through congress.
A draconian law endorsed by so many in federal government that it indicates, as former White House counsel during the Nixon years, John Dean, called an imperial presidency a government "up on stilts and filled with steroids."
The near unanimous vote held in the House of Representatives on the bill sits at the Senate ready for approval. It will create a number of elite viral vigilante groups to roam the country gathering intel on dissenters, of all persuasions, to be used to define and write laws against 'terrorists.' The law was written by California Democrat Jane Harman, it is now held by the war mongering pimp from Connecticut, Sen. Joe Liberman - feel better?
The "data" gained from such inquisitions will surely end up in the hands of some Big Capitalist private security company, secrecy will prevent public disclosure no doubt. Note the strident anti-left tone in the audio interview. So far, since the Wars of Occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq, only a very small cadre of deep earth environmentalists have been imprisoned as such, not mentioned here. Yet very large numbers of people in this country holding unpopular views would make it into those files as essentially for lack of a better phrase - thought criminals.
A bigger problem is what is a conservative now days?
Giraldi, a self-described "traditional conservative" is vexed to define the Busheviks, it is difficult listening as he separates his blend from the royalist rot and stench U. S. conservatives have mixed in since their Reagan hey days. Armed radicals of any political stripe in this country have no base of support among most of the atomized amnesiacs inhabiting America. The amnesiacs will not defend their civil rights; they will continue on in a futile pursuit of the American Dream until the food pantry is empty, no jobs are in sight and an empty tank of gas to go nowhere because it is the same everywhere. Mass deprivation, climate chaos, population migrations and most importantly for our fellow humans - rising energy and food prices are slowly sweeping away these mental clouds fogging their memories, but unfortunately too slow to stop this law.
Write congress and try to stop it, by all means, but prepare your neighbors and get friendly quick. Ample evidence exists that tyranny is well on it's way.
Hit lists of dissenting civilians among secret paramilitary gangs who target human rights activists, even in a self-described "civil society" is horrible, but already very familiar to people from Latin America or any other developing country in the world once held hostage to the proxy wars of the Cold War age. I wonder if the future government vigilantes created by this law, or the "traditional conservatives" will ever talk to these victims?
Forced labor camps, mass poverty, ditches filled with the bodies of executed villagers who protected dissidents - it may very well be coming to America. It can happen here.
I recommend you listen in here and read the latest by Giraldi here and here.
Another related article, by an ex-CIA analyst who used to write National Intelligence Estimates for other presidents and a little bit more positive is here, by Ray McGovern.
Goodbye, listen in or call me tomorrow [call-ins after high noon, Central] on the "Hump Day" Blue Barn Radio show.
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