Monday, September 10, 2007

Richocheting News Bullets on Iran: "'Is it Duck and Cover' in the net's echo chamber?"


Cruising toward the Strait or Hormuz in the Persian Gulf, or returning to defend the U. S. Constitution against a domestic dictatorship in the White House and Congress?


What starts out as a remote link to a Turkish weekly internet news magazine from the decidedly Libertarian Anti-war. com, follows to the Russian Novostoi Press, then ends up linking back at the truly disturbing Sept. 4th post of a confidential source's real-time description of troop movements, armament supply convoys, assault aircraft and weapon shipments by the outstanding writer, Ken Silverstein at Harper's magazine. Click Ken's name to jump ahead and get to the original blockbuster news bombshell.

It's a small world of confidential sources out there! You can do it the hard way and start here like I did and click each link and see for yourself. Remember, according to most intelligence experts, almost 80% of analysis is based on "open media" sources. Let your fingers click to your heart's content and travel like flying saucers over the internet to every crackpot theory and to equally credible interpretations of news leaks. You, the reader can be the judge.


First, there was the "accidental" discovery of six nuclear cruise missiles loaded on B-52 bombers, some say the missiles were flying across the country to a take-off point to the Middle East, the story which has been richocheting across the world-wide internet, has gotten some thinking that Darth Dick Cheney was behind it all and that stock market speculations are being manipulated for profitting off an air attack on Iran.

Now bear in mind all of these news items started over a week and a half ago.

Some authoritative sources have commented on the stringent security protocols that had to be violated in order for this to happen. Dave Lindorff lends his direct experiences as an investigative reporter in his latest post concerning the protection of nukes at This Can't Be Happening! Everybody should read Dave's take on this "accidental" movement of the nuclear cruise missiles. Even more so, as Gen. David Petraeus describes to Congress today of alleged Iranian weapons movements into Iraq. Ironic, isn't it? The congressional meetings are being continually by demonstrators and nobody on the big networks cover it.

None of these developments will be deemed important or newsworthy enough while Gen. Petraeus is betraying us, the U. S. public's political will to end the illegal occupation of Iraq is insufficient. For that will to grow stronger and get carried out in Congress, the public that is against the illegal occupation of Iraq, may have to wait a very long, long time till the next election, and in addition; muster an avalanche of voters wanting real change in government, overcome fraudulant election tallies and avoid a 'false flag' state of emergency that could postpone the elections. The active word is spelled I-R-A-N. You can listen to the congressional "oversight" today on NPR. So far, no one I heard has taken an oath swearing to tell the truth.


Former U. S. Marine, Republican and U. N. Iraq Weapon Inspector, Scott Ritter, recently correctly, in my opinion, pointed out in speaking of his book "Waging Peace" that the overwhelming majority of the U. S. public wants to "win" in the illegal occupation in Iraq. Click that link and listen, watch an August 28th broadcast of his prescient take on what the government is up to in Iraq. Ritter clearly plots out a strategy for the anti-war movement that is long overdue - and points out that even in the long run American armed forces can't "win" in the illegal occupation of Iraq. For Ritter, and many other citizens, making congressional representatives enforce the U. S. Constitution is paramount in opposing the occupation.

He's reporting from Baghdad through Truthdig! at the time of this post. The nation's attention is being directed by the elites toward a long agonizing "phased" withdrawal, buying the White House more time to prepare for their stated intent which Ritter cites during his book lecture; to not leave office in 2009 with Iran intact as it is today. Read Ritter's post linked at Truthdig, it will inform you what CBS multi-millionairess news anchor, Katie Couric won't tell you. Mainly that where the real story is at:

[Begin quote.]
If Couric would visit the Iraqi Oil Ministry, she might be shocked to witness the legal maneuvering and exploitation carried out by foreign oil companies (including, directly or indirectly, American oil companies).

Working with local Kurdish officials, small oil exploration and drilling camps are sprouting up all over northern Iraq, where they siphon off the wealth of the Iraqi people. Shipped out of Iraq via Turkey and (surprisingly) Iran, using long-established smuggling routes, these illegal ventures are generating billions of dollars in income for oil companies, and because these ventures aren’t supposed to exist, this income goes unreported.

You can’t miss these sites. Any review of Google-Earth imagery would show these facilities springing up like mushrooms over the last few years. The U.S. military knows about them, and yet does nothing. Note to Richard Kaplan (Katie Couric’s producer): If you want to investigate this story, I’ll provide you with the geographic coordinates. Drive up and try to talk your way into the security perimeter. Position Katie well for the camera shot and demand answers. Just look out for the Canadian, South African or American mercenaries who are charged by “Big Oil” to keep this dirty little secret “secret.”

[End quote.] Cited source link.

Finally, I want to point out that the revolutionary thesis of Naomi Klein's new book "Shock Doctrine" tightly dovetails with the elites' desperate global energy strategy to implement a "demand destruction."

I venture to go so far as to consider Klein's philosophical and political economic thesis as a real idealogical bombshell with which to analyze the future strategy of the international elites in plundering and misleading the world's people, of all countries. Click the link, above, and check out her short movie to get an idea of what I mean.

How many leaders of the Democrat or Republican political parties are aware, or care, to know about Klein's revolutionary radical theory of how the elites think? And if they did - do you really think they would tell you about it?

Ritter as of last May wrote at Truthdig! the following on impeachment:

[Begin quote.]

Impeach President Bush? Maybe, if due process dictates.

Repudiate President Bush? Absolutely, especially if one aspires for an America that truly matches the visions and ideals set forth by the Founding Fathers.

Repudiate the notion of a “unitary executive.”

Repudiate presidential signing statements.

Repudiate executive violation of Article 6 of the Constitution, which binds municipal law in America with binding treaty obligations incurred when the Senate ratifies a treaty or agreement by a two-thirds majority or better.

Repudiate “faith-based initiatives” pushed by any branch of government.

Repudiate a weak Congress.

Repudiate weak senators or representatives, especially those with a track record of abrogating their constitutional mandate.

Repudiate ignorance, especially that of the American citizen who knows little or nothing about the Constitution which empowers him or her.

Repudiate consumerism, especially the virulent form it takes in the selfish framework of American-centric capitalism.

Repudiate pre-emptive wars of aggression.

Repudiate American Empire.

Instead, embrace the empowerment of education. Embrace active citizenship. Embrace the rule of law, as set forth by the Constitution. Do all of this and, in the end, if conditions and circumstance warrant, impeach President Bush and any of those in his administration so deserving.

Thomas Jefferson was prescient in his musings to another confidant, Moses Robinson, in 1801 when he wrote, “I sincerely wish ... we could see our government so secured as to depend less on the character of the person in whose hands it is trusted. Bad men will sometimes get in and with such an immense patronage may make great progress in corrupting the public mind and principles. This is a subject with which wisdom and patriotism should be occupied.”

That wise American patriots would be so occupied today is my wish and dream.

End quote.] Cited source link.

What's missing and what's needed?
Our history of resistance is our best weapon!
Impeachment is the only real weapon in the anti-war arsenal to mobilize; massive nationwide demonstrations, violent or not, will not move these people "pulling the levers" behind the curtains. Remember Mayor Daly's inspired Chicago police riot, 1968, outside the Democratic convention with national television cameras rolling, then quickly followed with Nixon's successful campaign sloganeering about "peace with honor" which swung public opinion against the raging anti-war movement and the "police action" in Viet Nam went on and on for almost seven long years.

Three years later, 1971, the National Guard shot and killed demonstrating students at Kent State and Jackson State quickly followed by a successful nationwide student strike and even then the "silent majority" knowing it was licked in the rice paddies, lashed out at the "counterculture" the "hippies" at anything and everyone associated with the war's most active and visible opponents. Today there are still hundreds of thousands of very reactionary conservative folks who still believe that the "liberal media" and the "hippies" had "stabbed the soldiers in the back" and "lost Viet Nam." When in truth, wars of counter-insurgency against national liberation movements are never "winnable." Peace did not come quickly or cheaply then and it will not again. The anti-war movement of today faces what Professor Noam Chomsky has recently called an "elective dictatorship" with far more widespread draconian laws and with bigger armed domestic police forces, both secret and uniformed than what was faced by anti-war forces in the fabled "sixties."
Also missing from the political landscape today is the widespread social discontent in the urban cores where in a single short period immediately after the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King dozens of cities were convulsed with rioting rage and racial violence. Yet, two years ago, a veritable and largely non-violent national strike on May 1st, International Workers' Day, was successfully initiated by Mexicano and latino workers, numbering over 1 million who participated in street parades and visible work stoppages effectively sending a socio-political message to the urban elites evoking considerable sympathy among small business owners in the same urban centers. This largely spontaneous act of solidarity opposing draconian immigration laws was not met with a signal of solidarity with anti-war, anti-empire forces. Instead, more isolationist forces from within the anti-war movement currently coalescing around libertarian and paleo-conservative trends, was largely marked by benign indifference underscoring their social-darwinist [and 'free market'] non-interventionist economic and political agendas. The strikes also sparked a racist legislated rage among the nation's lawmakers, at all levels, appeasing their most conservative reactionary social bases in their respective constituencies. Perhaps, more importantly, it did not stop the solidarity among the latinos demonstrating their political power.

Short of a long term strategy of building national general strikes, such as among all aspects of American life, including most importantly, elements of the military and the police, reconsideration of the anti-war, anti-interventionist, anti-empire agendas should be examined. An effective strategy of "wildcat" strikes may be the only red hot chili pepper hot enough to burn the elites' asses enough to force them to invoke "due process" and impeachment procedures, until then, many opposed to the endless energy wars are left to their own desired devices. The air-bombing of Iran will most assuredly cause the conditions for more strikes and impeachment, but will the Dear Leaders in the White House declare martial law over the whole of battlefield America in it's phony "Global War on Terror?"

We better be very careful, like Ritter warns, and keep the pressure on for the only constitutional remedy, the curing national experience of impeachment, even if it must be won through a General Strike against a widely perceived 'constitutional crisis'. Now that is real "constitutional" heat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope that the Naomi Klien book will open the eyes of people as to how these "free marketers" are subverting democracy and putting unlimited power into the hands of international corporations who will abuse it until government treasuries are empty and citizens are truly forced into the role of slaves that they have been sliding into since the end of world War II. The serious economic decline that we all see coming will again be used by these blood suckers to continue their carefully calculated march to world domination. Whether this may precipitate a revolt by the populace is doubtful in my opinion. The consequences of the coming events may be so severe that people are paralyzed and police and National Guard will have no problem enforcing martial law.

I'm not sure why you keep harping on impeachment. It's never going to happen.

Terry S