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Did you think that this conversation was an indicator that impeachment could actually happen? I love Robert Kennedy. But the House of Representatives has to begin a trial. Representatives with "spines of jellyfish" don't begin impeachment trials.
The impeachment of this administration will either begin before Iran is bombed, but most definitely afterwards, if a dictatorship doesn't postpone it. Again, impeachment is the best weapon in the anti-war quiver. I will go further - even the threat of impeachment beginning on the floor of congress, as it has been introduced by Kucinich - may stop the bombing of Iran. Building sustainable communities around us is all good and important and should be a necessary part of our daily lives, but it is damage control. I am preparing an essay with authoritative sources about this and what must be the strategy ahead in the days, weeks and months before Bush leaves office. Make this very clear ... the "crisis" ahead is already at our feet, we are walking that path, but can enough of us come together to turn it into an opportunity for democracy in the Republic?
Anyway, your optimism is inspiring but if you had read D. Korten's book then I doubt that you could maintain that optimism. I don't think you really have a grasp of the totality of control that "Empire" has on the processes of government. Dictatorship? The US military, police forces and firms like Blackwater will all stand behind corporate Americas' stranglehold. If they thought that the anti-war/impeachment movement was any threat they would end it. It is not the 60s any more.
Quit thinking the government has so much time on it's hands. Korten if anything is overtly optomistic about the future. BTW they never had a handle on the 60s either ... too busy guarding their palaces. They don't round up people who are playing politics without guns. I know. They round-up those too stupid or too angry who decide armed insurrection is the path ... and they have a hard time doing that, especially after the 90s with the militia movement, etc.
You're giving the government too much credit, like the eye on the pyramid shit on the money.
Did you think that this conversation was an indicator that impeachment could actually happen? I love Robert Kennedy. But the House of Representatives has to begin a trial. Representatives with "spines of jellyfish" don't begin impeachment trials.
Terry S
The impeachment of this administration will either begin before Iran is bombed, but most definitely afterwards, if a dictatorship doesn't postpone it. Again, impeachment is the best weapon in the anti-war quiver. I will go further - even the threat of impeachment beginning on the floor of congress, as it has been introduced by Kucinich - may stop the bombing of Iran. Building sustainable communities around us is all good and important and should be a necessary part of our daily lives, but it is damage control. I am preparing an essay with authoritative sources about this and what must be the strategy ahead in the days, weeks and months before Bush leaves office. Make this very clear ... the "crisis" ahead is already at our feet, we are walking that path, but can enough of us come together to turn it into an opportunity for democracy in the Republic?
My comments are not making it to your blog.
Anyway, your optimism is inspiring but if you had read D. Korten's book then I doubt that you could maintain that optimism. I don't think you really have a grasp of the totality of control that "Empire" has on the processes of government. Dictatorship? The US military, police forces and firms like Blackwater will all stand behind corporate Americas' stranglehold. If they thought that the anti-war/impeachment movement was any threat they would end it. It is not the 60s any more.
Quit thinking the government has so much time on it's hands. Korten if anything is overtly optomistic about the future. BTW they never had a handle on the 60s either ... too busy guarding their palaces. They don't round up people who are playing politics without guns. I know. They round-up those too stupid or too angry who decide armed insurrection is the path ... and they have a hard time doing that, especially after the 90s with the militia movement, etc.
You're giving the government too much credit, like the eye on the pyramid shit on the money.
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