Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Dave Lindorff: "Speaking about Impeachment and the recent B-52 bomber incident"


Scott Vest, a former USAF captain writes to Counterpunch a differing opinion on the B-52 incident, but he thinks the reality of the administration's war plans on Iran are even scarier. There was something about the "leak" that was very strange.

Dave has started a weekly pod cast at the excellent A Nation Deceived [AND] web site. Here is Dave's in-depth audio review of the available information and provides some background experience he had with base security while investigating nukes as a reporter in Los Angeles, Calif.

Also, at his web site - This Can't Be Happening! Dave asks, "By the way, speaking of taking us all for stupid, how many people think that the death of three enlisted men in a truck crash in Iraq yesterday--three enlisted men who happen to have been among the seven who wrote a powerful op-ed article only a week ago in the New York Times calling the war a failure and saying the solution is for American troops to go home--was an 'accident'?"

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