Is it such an "unspeakable" thought for readers out there who support "conservative" values to think of supporting "Our Iron Lady?" Dr. Bill Blum writes a hilarious but reality-based article about the prospects of conservatives supporting her come next Election Day. Why would they support the Senator from New York, Ms. Clinton?
We get Blitzkrieg and Armageddeon at the same time.
Say, "Bring'em On, Baby!"
Oh Yeah! Amen.
And Blum footnotes the Bushevik Gods of Conservativism who agree with the Dear Hillary vote. Yes, Dear Readers, your old time commie bashing conservatives are drumming up support for Hillary, now you must too! Don't believe me? Click the title above or hell why scroll click here and read of the future under an unimpeachable, Patriot Act-loving, Democratic Dominatrix Dictatorship.
It's both "Guns and Butter" during War Time, oh yeah!
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