Saturday, July 28, 2007

Why is Dr. Noam Chomsky calling it, "an elective dictatorship?"


The crushing defeats of the anti-war movements since 2004, after huge demonstrations at the nation's capital city all aimed at influencing the "invertebrates" calling themselves our representative democractic leaders has lead to this national crisis. One million signatures supporting impeachment presented to a congressman's office means nothing? Why has Professor Noam Chomsky been using the term "elective dictatorship" lately? Have we arrived at the Gates of Hell? Has public dissent already started to Storm Heaven's Gates?

You be the judge, jury and advocate, never the victim. We want to know what you think.

Has the dictator decided to use August, while congress is in recess, to bomb Iran and thereby spark the world war and economic depression desired by the criminal corporate [and global] elites to start worldwide "demand destruction?"


Scorpio said...

I surely hope not. heh. I was betting Cheny would bomb Iran while Polyp Boy was in twilight.

The market is pretty unhapy right now. If Darth and Ployp Boy thought that more war wouldbring it back up, they would definitely go ahead. Of course, I write to my congressman regularly suggesting that impeachment is the right move.

HR 333. Tell them often.

Anonymous said...

IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH !!!!! Here we go agin. The Smirking Chimp,and Shoot'em up Cheney, are going to duck and dodge until thier term is up.Then what? War Crimes...umm, now there is a possibility. Right....they will fade away from public view and we will be stuck with the mess,(War debt,wounded soldiers from Iraq,and lets not forget the War on Terror...terror what???) Drag them out , tar and feather them and be done with it.