Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sicko - The Movie in Full - Michael Moore


How did Tom and his staff at Info Clearing House do it?

We don't know and really don't care in Kansas because it was great watching Michael Moore's latest Sicko - The Movie in Full despite the download time. Obviously Moore wants people to watch his stuff more than making a buck off it, unlike so many in "Dog-eat-Dog" Land. Take the time to watch this, then take a few friends to watch it when it comes out June 29 in theaters across the country or buy the DVD and share it with the neighbors. Absolutely tremendous and many thanks to Tom and his staff at the important Information Clearinghouse. The clips on Hillary Clinton are fantastic, both good and bad, the short biographs of the Americans who died while the movie was being made is perhaps the most heart wrenching scenes and the outrageous conduct of some of the American doctors is the most maddening. Now I understand why so many doctors hate being doctors in the United States.

And the "Get Well" question of the week: What right-wing Moore bashing webmaster took the $12,000 "anonymous" donation for his wife's health care?

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