Friday, June 15, 2007

Impeachment Conversations and Updates for "A Nation Deceived" radio: Dave Lindorff, author and journalist with host Craig Barnes.


Republican, Libertarian, Democratic or Independent -- it doesn't matter where you are coming from in this discussion, it's about the Bush regime taking away OUR political liberties. Finally, the most important audio file one can listen to this weekend! Last week we directed you to the vital "A Nation Deceived" (AND) web site. Click the title line above to get there and get the .mp3 audio file.

Impeaching the Bush/Cheney cabal is not a question of "politics" as writer Dave Lindorff repeatedly mentions in this broadcast he appeared on yesterday, stopping the billionaire's unconstitutional war machine is all about "patriotism." Bush/Cheney are in the pockets of Big Oil and President Bush and his criminal cohorts in the White House have passed laws intentionally destroying our constitutional civil rights, thus creating a dictatorship merely waiting for another "crisis" to unfold and scare his Busheviks into supporting it.

Carefully listen to the part about how the criminally complicit big shot leaders blackballed Sen. John Conyers in order to cease and desist his impeachment activities by denying him a powerful seat on a congressional committee.

Listen to this broadcast. Kansas readers and especially many of our long-time supporters and readers in the U. S., we cannot wait until Iran is air bombed, we must start influencing our elected reps and news contacts, NOW! The war-lovers in this country are counting on the next 16 months to produce that war. And you Republican readers lurking out there who know: "Winning isn't everything!" Imagine Hillary Clinton with all the powers of the unconstitutional and dictatorial laws passed with the unread Patriot Act.

You better listen up conservatives, this is not about "payback" it's about "standing up for the U. S. Constitution." We need not Kings from any political party or the Oil Barons buying campaigns for war, war, and more wars for oil. Listen to this broadcast, share it with your church members, kith and kin. Be bigger than your political leaders.

K.I.S.S. those shakers and movers toward the only constitutional remedy available to us that respect the "rule of law."

Write, call or sit in their offices until they start joining us.

This a battle for all Americans to get involved in on a daily basis. Here's a simple thing you can do. Nancy Pelosi’s office is taking calls for an impeachment poll. Please call 202 225 0100 and try to be polite AND [K]eep [I]t [S]imple and [S]weet. If you can't come up with anything polite to say, encourage support for Dennis Kucinich's H. R. 333, a motion to impeach Cheney.

Feel free to download, rip and burn to CD and distribute to your friends and neighbors who don't have a reliable internet connection. Award winning author and journalist, Dave Lindorff talks on the AND radio show immediately prior to an important update on the impeachment movement sweeping across the country. Thanks, Dave we need to be able to hear, read and spread the word more in "Red State" Kansas.

When will the "new" Air America 2.0 radio network and the M$Media start calling people like Dave Lindorff and Barbara Olshansky?

Also, go to Discomfit magazine to read Dave's post on the consequences of the Democratic leadership's sluggish [and treasonable] neglect of our grassroot impeachment efforts. Click here to read Dave's essay. The movement is growing FAST sign up to get on his email distribution list. And don't forget to pass this audio file along, follow the link in the title line above and forward to all.

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