Monday, April 30, 2007

Another Historic Step on Impeachment - California Dem Convention passes impeachment resolution!

The resolution refers to Bush and Cheney having acted in a manner “subversive of the Constitution” by. .

using false information to justify the invasion of Iraq
“the torture of prisoners of war”
“authorizing wiretaps on U.S. citizens
without obtaining a warrant”
“disclosing the name of an undercover CIA
suspending “the historic Writ of Habeas Corpus by ordering the
indefinite detention of so-called enemy combatants”

“signing statements used to ignore or circumvent portions of over 750
Congressional statutes”
The resolution ends by calling for “vigorous
investigation” and “appropriate remedies and punishment, including impeachment.”

This action represents the successful culmination of PDA’s one-month, eleven-city barnstorming tour across California – aimed at putting impeachment and ending the occupation of Iraq at the top of the Party’s agenda.

Click: Another Historic Step on Impeachment - Progressive Democrats of America

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