Monday, March 05, 2007

Truthdig: Can Congress End the War?

David Swanson writes an interesting series of links justifying impeachment measures being taken at a grassroots level:

Voters also appeared to be voting for accountability and possibly for the launching of impeachment hearings as well. Polls prior to the election found that a majority of Americans believed a Democratic Congress would impeach. Candidates who campaigned on the theme of accountability, including Keith Ellison, D-Minn., who promised impeachment, did well. Polls show that a majority of Americans favor impeachment or wish Bush’s presidency were over. Voters in November even booted out a couple of Republicans who had turned against the war, saying that they were voting for a Democratic majority so that the Democrats could investigate the war as well as end it—something a majority of Americans continue to say they want.

Click title line above for complete article or here: Can Congress End the War?

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