Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Raw Story | Op-ed: Impeachment threat is real

Early morning sunrise at our farm, late last winter.


Several readers who I telephoned from the Blue Barn last year scoffed at my throwing in with the nationwide grassroots effort to impeach the Bush Regime. Some are "old time Republican" friends and I love and respect them, the title line above provides a link to a current article at "The Raw Story" detailing just how far the movement has come.

Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel last week hinted as much, someone I don't agree with on other issues, but nevertheless - he could very well be the "Mr. Smith" that goes to Washington - like in the old Frank Capra movie, and starts the fillibuster that could rally the senate to file the papers.

Scandal after scandal surrounds the Busheviks, the media can't cover one before another develops. You must hand it to the hundreds of thousands who the signed petitions, the people bucking the M$M who have endured ridicule from the Busheviks and their dwindling number of supporters.
Old time "I Like Ike" Republicans know this administration has went too far - trampling domestically over democratic gains of the last century and bleeding our troops in fiascos of occupation. The old timers know that isolationism and strict non-intervention in other countries' affairs used to be the country's credo, an idea that is being revived again after over half a century of dormancy.

It's long overdue - to put the heat on the elites in this country for their sheer stupidity and greed!

Investigations and impeachment may be the only effort that can pressure the elites to pull the military plans to bomb Iran off the table. Read the link above and consider what's buzzing!
And many thanks to all for the helpful words of advice and concern.
Keep the heat on congress!

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