Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A Kansas Bombshell: What did Sen. Pat Roberts do for the Busheviks in the "Plame Wars?"

Darth Cheney brain farting on Air Force Two:
"Damn, I did my best and smeared Wilson and his spook bitch for Frat Boy, but did that idiot Roberts cover my slime trail?"



I have always enjoyed reading "Werther" at, the pen name of a defense analyst, who writes excellent propaganda analysis with real style (like many of the regulars at that site). However, this particular installment is absolutely earthshaking for those local Busheviks who have for decades supported the Oskaloosa, Ks. homeboy - Sen. Pat Roberts, and any Kansan caring about representative democracy. Werther makes several assertions while he takes apart the "noise machines" outing Plame, but most importantly for Kansans, he details possible outright fraud commited by the Senate Intelligence Committee's willful omissions of facts about Plame's covert status while under Sen. Roberts chair.

Roberts has never produced the much asked for second intelligence report on faulty intelligence in the run-up to the invasion in Iraq. He has instead moved on, according to a recent interview on Steve Kraske's "Up-to-Date" NPR affiliated KCUR 89.3 FM, to work on the Senate Appropriations Committee where he can plop down more federal pork on Kansan's bellies. Many of us in Kansas do fret about just where Roberts $450 million bio-research terror facility is going to be built (thinking jobs any jobs, mean we should bend over and kiss his ass.) More scrutiny should be given to just what the hell did he do for the Bushevik regime while running oversight on intelligence? Werther writes:

"But Ms. Plame's assertion under oath is serious enough that the Senate Ethics Committee is justified in opening an investigation as to whether the former Intelligence Committee chairman is culpable of unethical behavior by misusing the congressional investigative process to hide wrongdoing and damage the reputations of the innocent. If he is so found, the available sanctions, in ascending order of seriousness, are reprimand, censure, or expulsion."

Kaboom! Take a trip to the dark side of DC and figure Roberts role in it for yourself by reading Werther: Plame Wars

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