Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hump Day! Our Dear Leader speaks, drawls tonight!

Hanged before he could talk?
Saddam is lynched at a fundie revival meeting, but what is dropping down American’s collective memory hole? Hard evidence of US government complicity in WMD supplies to him during the eighties. Outstanding investigative journalist Robert Parry writes from Consortium News about
Saddam's well-timed execution.

Crazy White Christians for Zion welcome, but …
Jonathan Cook writes from Nazareth about
Israel’s purging of Palestinian Christians

Let’s shake on it! It’s a Deal!
Monty Python Terry Jones comments from Britain that “
They have made a killing” to a tune of nearly 1 million dollars for each dead Iraqis. What a deal! Over $18,000 for each living Iraqis or how about a check to all living Americans for $1,600 each. Who cares who uses “lavatory paper?”

Honey did you fill up the car today?
Energy Tsar blames Belarusian for theft of 79,000 tons consequently
Russia shuts oil pipeline in trade dispute.

No Lunatic Leftist -
The Raw Story cites an economist who once served as President Reagan's Assistant Secretary of the Treasury who is comparing President George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler.

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