Great coverage of the CIA disclosure trial of "Scooter" Libby. Hat tip to C-Span for the active links and that hilarious standoff last Friday with Marcy Wheeler, author, “Anatomy of Deceit” court logging for Fire Dog Lake & Byron York, National Review, White House Correspondent as they have one of the most photogenic beltway parlor spats between up and coming glam-pols about the CIA leak case. It reeked of chic.
If you haven't yet and don't know what happened to Dear Old Dad after he morphed into Darth Cheney click Who’s Your Daddy?
If you haven't yet and don't know what happened to Dear Old Dad after he morphed into Darth Cheney click Who’s Your Daddy?
All before the world wondrously beholds the Great One's daughter much labored lesbian virgin - birth. Tricky Dicky avoids mention of the cloning of his spore by arranging it's delivery on an orbiting Martian energy tanker.
Geriatric conservatives are rocking faster in their chairs, knitting and shrilly reciting incantations that echo through the wards of the managed care units across America's Christian heartland. Many are already annointing Dick's neo-spawn for The Second Coming of a New Messiah, all the better to keep the climate controlled shopping malls open.
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