"Raise less corn and more hell!" We print shotgun journalism, use "bad grammar" whenever possible and write with a short fuse from our farm in North Jefferson County, Kansas. Our slogan: "Hayseeds and bovines, unite! Stampede the clutterfreaks! Life is short!" Email us at: bluebarnnewscentral@gmail.com
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Ray Close: Why Bush Will Choose War Against Iran
".... I find it extremely difficult to believe that President Bush could actually do anything so crazy as to launch a military attack against Iran, and that even if he wanted to, the Congress, the Pentagon, and the American public would ever countenance such action. But I remember in the spring of 2002 writing a "Dear Friends" memo just like this one predicting that the apparent intentions of the Bush Administration to invade Iraq would certainly turn out to be nothing but a bluff, and supporting that assertion by listing all the reasons why actually doing so would lead to utter disaster. Many of my friends told me at the time that I was missing the point --- regime change was DEFINITELY going to happen, and I was exaggerating the downside consequences. The problem is that today the downside risks of attacking Iran seem even more horrendous ---- and yet? (As George Will said last Sunday to George Stephanopoulos -- "When was the last time this president ever worried about getting approval in advance from the Congress or the public?") It makes me nervous when my president truly believes he is carrying out the will of God.
So this is why I reluctantly believe today that Bush will indeed launch an attack on Iran before the expiration of his term of office:
His list is so logical it makes your eyes bleed. Go to: Ray Close: Why Bush Will Choose War Against Iran for the complete article.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Dispatches: The Killing Zone - Google Video
A riveting investigative documentary depicting what daily life for Palestinians, international peace workers and journalists endure as they live, work and die. Download the Google player before linking to watch this video.
Many thanks to Information Clearinghouse for providing the original link to this program.
Dispatches: The Killing Zone - Google Video
Clinton, 9/11 and the Facts
William River Pitts writes about the M$M (mainstream media) wall of 9/11 anniversary garbage about to fall on the heads of the American news consumers.
When will the fear factor stop paralyzing this country?
When will we quit allowing fear to determine who to vote for?
"We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." A nation of entertainment soaked amnesiacs forget so easily their own history.
The story Pitts writes (linked below)
should serve as a wake-up call to every reader to not be so easily fooled, yet again.
It's getting crazy in America again, for the umpteenth time, and only the fear mongers profit from the madness.
Reality - check linked below click: Clinton, 9/11 and the Facts
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
New Zealand sounds like NE Kansas
Growing public supportfor action on peak oilMonday, 28 August 2006, 2:59 pmPress Release: Green Party |
28th August 2006
After three weeks on the road talking to New Zealanders Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman has found that New Zealanders are several steps ahead of the Government when it comes to climate change and peak oil.
“While the Government is making giant steps backwards by backing out on a carbon pollution charge, and allowing dirty coal-fired power stations to go ahead, the vast majority of New Zealanders want some forward-thinking leadership and action,” says Green Co-Leader Russel Norman.
“In the last three weeks I have spoken at meetings in Takaka, Motueka, Nelson, Blenheim, Picton, Kaikoura, Christchurch, Oamaru, Dunedin, Waitati, and Riverton about climate change and the end of cheap oil,” says Green Co-Leader Russel Norman.
“My colleagues Jeanette Fitzsimons and Sue Bradford have also spoken at public meetings in Nelson, Masterton, and West Auckland.
“What’s coming through loud and clear at these meetings is that people want the Government to take action to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and to futureproof our economy for the end of cheap oil.
“People are calling out for better public transport but the Government is obsessed with new motorways; people want investment in renewable electricity generation but the Government is allowing coal-fired power stations to proceed; the people of Hampden are already planning for peak oil while the Treasury struggles to admit its existence. (FCF - emphasis)
“Climate change and the end of cheap oil present us with three options:
· Do nothing – current New Zealand Government policy;
· Get our hands on the last of the oil, by force if necessary – current US Government policy; or
· Reduce our dependence on oil and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions – the Green option.
“My advice to the Government is to get out of the Beehive and talk to people. New Zealanders aren’t in denial about the global challenges we face and they want their Government to show some leadership.”
Monday, August 28, 2006
Paul Krugman | King George's Crumbling Monarchy

EXCERPT: "In the bad old days, government was a haphazard affair. There was no bureaucracy to collect taxes, so the king subcontracted the job to private 'tax farmers,' who often engaged in extortion. There was no regular army, so the king hired mercenaries, who tended to wander off and pillage the nearest village. There was no regular system of administration, so the king assigned the task to favored courtiers, who tended to be corrupt, incompetent or both."
Read complete article at:
Paul Krugman King George's Crumbling Monarchy
Recent "Letter to the Editor(s)": Atchison Daily Globe, Leavenworth Times, Oskaloosa Independent, Valley Falls Vindicator, Lawrence Journal World
It was always a law enforcement issue no matter what our elected leaders called it immediately after September 11, 2001.
The dubious and inaccurately titled "War on Terrorism" in the last five years has not produced the culprits or cultivated the necessary international support to infiltrate the organizations and bring them to justice in the United States. Retired Colonel Lawrence B. Wilkerson, who served for over three years as the chief of staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell has repeatedly described the inept masterminds behind the disasterous policy as a secretive "cabal."
He wrote in an October 25, 2005 Los Angeles Times op-ed:
"Today, we have a president whose approval rating is 38% and a vice president who speaks only to Rush Limbaugh and assembled military forces. We have a Secretary of Defense presiding over the death-by-a-thousand-cuts of our overstretched armed forces (no surprise to ignored dissenters such as former Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric Shinseki or former Army Secretary Thomas White)."
Veteran CIA analysts, international geologists, scientists and some of the most senior retired officers of the U.S. armed forces have repeatedly warned that the next strategic step of the cabal is the bombing of Iran and the catastrophic worldwide economic and geopolitical consequences the air attack will unleash.
It took over four years and at least $400 billion for President Bush to publicly hint that oil was the primary motivation of this military strategy. The nation was "addicted to oil" he said during his 2006 State of the Union address, provoking the anger of denial of tens of millions of Americans who don't like being addicted to anything.
His admission is too little and too late with historic record breaking profits for the transnational energy corporations and without a massive nationwide World War Two push toward true energy independence programs in this country. Now the empire is at stake.
9/11 was a challenge for law enforcement not more and more endless wars for world oil reserves.
Michael Caddell
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | US housing slump fuels crash fears
Sunday August 27, 2006
The Observer writes:
The downturn in the US housing market will force businesses to slash 73,000 jobs a month in the new year and could be more damaging to the world economy than the dotcom crash, economists have warned.
After official figures last week showed that the number of new homes sold in July was 22 per cent lower than a year earlier, while prices were almost flat, fears are mounting that the 'orderly' housing slowdown predicted by the Federal Reserve will become a full-blown crash.
Read the complete article at:
Guardian Unlimited Special reports US housing slump fuels crash fears
The Raw Story | Northern Great Plains falls into Dust Bowl conditions

The New York Times reports that Nebraska and the Dakotas have been the hardest hit by the drought. Farmers are recalling similar conditions endured during the Dust Bowl of last centuries dirty thirties. Details dispatched from the area at:
The Raw Story Northern Great Plains falls into Dust Bowl conditions
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Red State Rabble: Run This Up the Flagpole and See Who Salutes
Here Pat Hayes details other outrages coming from Colorado school classes.
Click below and check it out! Also monitor the movement over the "Rainbow Flag" controversy on the Kansas Blog wire headline feed along the left margin of the Flyer.
Red State Rabble: Run This Up the Flagpole and See Who Salutes
What was censored out West is not in Kansas.
From Peter Dale Scott's web site (linked below).
Unpublished Letter to San Francisco Chronicle concerning the Web, Euros and the Iraq War. (
Editor – David Baker rightly dismisses the blog rumor that
( “A Web of oil intrigue,” – April 4). But he is wrong to ridicule the idea that “
There were of course many reasons for the
His Executive Order of May 2003, declaring a “national emergency,” directed oil earnings into a fund, controlled by the
The Party's not over, yet.
Well, you can still hear the music playing!
Yeah, yeah I know you gotta download the Google player and it takes a day or so to download the complete 48 minute comedy show. It can be done in the background while working on other important stuff.
Just do it for some educational fun this weekend.
Go to: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5267640865741878159 for an encore presentation of Robert Newman’s wonderfully hilarious “History of Oil.”
Friday, August 25, 2006
"Who fired the first shot?" The cynical fraud swallowed.
From a recent article by Noam Chomsky
“The standard Western version is that the July 2006 invasion was justified by legitimate outrage over capture of two Israeli soldiers at the border. The posture is cynical fraud. The US and Israel, and the West generally, have little objection to capture of soldiers, or even to the far more severe crime of kidnapping civilians (or of course to killing civilians). That had been Israeli practice in Lebanon for many years, and no one ever suggested that Israel should therefore be invaded and largely destroyed.
Western cynicism was revealed with even more dramatic clarity as the current upsurge of violence erupted after Palestinian militants captured an Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, on June 25. That too elicited huge outrage, and support for Israel's sharp escalation of its murderous assault on Gaza.
The scale is reflected in casualties: in June, 36 Palestinian civilians were killed in Gaza; in July, the numbers more than quadrupled to over 170, dozens of them children.
The posture of outrage was, again, cynical fraud, as demonstrated dramatically, and conclusively, by the reaction to Israel's kidnapping of two Gaza civilians, the Muamar brothers, one day before, on June 24. They disappeared into Israel's prison system, joining the hundreds of others imprisoned without charge -- hence kidnapped, as are many of those sentenced on dubious charges.
There was some brief and dismissive mention of the kidnapping of the Muamar brothers, but no reaction, because such crimes are considered legitimate when carried out by “our side.” The idea that this crime would justify a murderous assault on Israel would have been regarded as a reversion to Nazism.”
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Great music for the weekend! Great music from now till the end of the Empire's wars!
Kansas folk music at it's best!
Go to: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=588823
Allow pop - ups and listen especially to "The Battle Hymn of the Permian Republic"
This rascal writes for the infamous Flyer.
He and his sweetheart are part of the Flyer's posse of progressives.
They ride with us, jumping the cultural ditches tearing through the war machine's hedgerows.
Join in the fun as we "fight the good fight" in Kansas, where it's needed most!
While Ft. Riley and Ft. Leavenworth are expanding for the phony "war on terrorism" we, the native sons and daughters, are swarming to stop the war crimes abroad.
It is time to stop the wars abroad by stopping the Pentagon at its source. The "indentured servants" who slave for the corporate government.
Join us and build the New Underground Railroad.
All true Republicans for the democratic republic are welcome!
Dump King George and all his chickenhawks in Congress!
Have a good weekend listening to this folk music from Kansas, for Kansans.
yer humble ink stained publisher,
Michael Caddell
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
The Pentagon recently released a figure of 40,000 that have deserted from the armed services since the invasion of Iraq. 200 military war resisters and their families have relocated to Canada – causing the conservative government headaches and legal disputes in their courts as they try to kick the deserters back over the border.
People are getting together about this hot issue in the United States.
And a few are doing it with quite a bit of flair for history and style.
Vietnam Veteran, a former Navy medic reports that many more mutinies are on the way while under “house arrest”. Yep! You read it right – Ferner’s waging a fearless non-violent “asymmetrical warfare” with the Pentagon and our fearful chickenhawks in Congress and the White House.
Mike Ferner writes at his site the “Peace Felon Report.”
He’s under a two month electronic “house arrest” in Ohio after being sentenced for spray painting “Troops Out Now” on a highway overpass.
In addition to that he got 18 months probation and over $5,000 in fines. This for a guy who lost the Toledo mayoral election by a little over 900 votes of the 96,000 cast. He is leading a life worth living as so many walk among us paying no heed to the bodies lying around.
He wrote below a last entry before his internet connection was cut off from his home:
July 20 2006
Below is an article that describes my day in court yesterday, plus an unusual editorial that appeared in today’s paper, by Toledo Blade editor and vice pres., Tom Walton.
If this story touches your heart, write me if you must, but better yet, do something for peace today that you never thought you could do. You will have my undying thanks and the thanks of those people who desperately need your commitment.
Be well. Raise some hell.
Mike Ferner
AND how did I find Mike Ferner?
I traced him from a recent essay on Information Clearinghouse at: Let Humanity's Mutiny Begin where he found some way of reporting on a recent Seattle, Washington, Veterans for Peace national convention speech that has all the anti-war groups talking.
How did Mike Ferner do that?
He’s not telling.
He’s got style.
Thousands are considering joining the mutiny, similar to the old Underground Railroad during the Civil War where anti-slavery forces supported and moved slaves and their families around to thwart the ruthless bounty hunters.
Free State Kansas was built on the foundation of the abolitionists’ Underground Railroad.
It might be time to reclaim that proud legacy again.
Kansans should consider “supporting” the modern day slaves; what Lt. Watada calls “the indentured servants” in rebellion with the Pentagon’s never ending war machine.
This very controversial idea was delivered by Lt. Ehren Watada with over 50 Iraq War veterans standing in solidarity on the stage with him before an audience of several thousand supporters, some former high ranking officers from the Viet Nam era.
Here the important t r u t h o u t reporting from their multimedia page excerpts of the same controversial speech by Lt. Watada in part one and part two (wmv. High-speed Versions). Watch it and consider helping out.
Lieutenant Ehren Watada:
“We have all seen this war tear apart our country over the past three years. It seems as though nothing we've done, from vigils to protests to letters to Congress, have had any effect in persuading the powers that be...It is time for change and the change starts with all of us…The idea is this: that to stop an illegal and unjust war, the soldiers can choose to stop fighting it.”
Lt. Watada is the foremost active service officer to refuse to deploy and his organizational skills are evident in his mutinous remarks. He has caused such a mess for the military that they have taken the unprecedented move with charging him for “making contemptuous remarks” about our smirking President.
The anti-war movement is listening, check out his fantastic multimedia web site at: Thank You Lt. Ehren Watada.
He’s facing 5 to 7 years in the stockade for what many in the anti – war movement consider exercising his First Amendment rights.
He appears to be rallying nationwide support to provide immediate physical and financial assistance to those who are refusing to deploy.
Definitely what I call “mutinous conduct” with style.
He has been accompanied and supported in the making of this new “Underground Railroad” by a 29 year military veteran and former ambassador, Ret. Col. Ann Wright. Here is a short excerpt of her background:
“Col. Ann Wright served in the U.S. Army for 13 years and in the U.S. Army Reserves for 16 years. She also served for 16 years in the U.S. diplomatic corps, and in that capacity helped reopen the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan in December 2001. She received the State Department’s Award for Heroism as the acting U.S. ambassador during the rebel takeover of Freetown, Sierra Leone in 1997.”
She resigned her government positions immediately prior to the invasion of Iraq which she considers a “war crime.”
Her help with Cindy Sheehan and other anti-war resisters is legendary.
Her stated position on Lt. Ehren Watada and others was clearly described in: To Refuse To Serve which appeared recently on TomPaine.com.
Today and the rest of this week national activities are taking place mobilizing what seems to be a developing “Underground Railroad” of what Lt. Watada calls the “indentured servants” refusing to serve in an “illegal war.”
All Kansans should remember our proud historic legacy and consider helping all the “mutineers” out.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan - small insignificant victims, big disasters for U. S. empire.
LEBANON - Beirut - 09 Aug 2006 - One suggestion I make from any of you is to transmit this to the Israelis:
I offer you all of us. Our flesh, our scalps, our inner parts to exhibit live on TV screens, our bare feet eaten by wolves during the night in ex- villages, our blood flooding in the streets, our kids, our mothers, our fathers , our brothers, sisters, grandparents, every single one of us.
You can be selective if you wish. Leave those who like you, believe in you, to prosper by your side in the new whatever hell you would like to have.
So many kids, everyday, toddlers, our elderly, killed in their houses, in their shelters, so many families, on the roads trying to flee, in the "safe" centers where they took refuge.
Blood is all what we have to offer, it has always been that way.
And blood you shall have.
As much blood as your planes can get.
As much blood as your fantasies imply.
As much blood as there is in our veins.
Did you have enough blood for today?
Only in the afternoon; in Ghazyeh, in Ghassanieh, in Houla, in Britel, in Chmestar, in Ali Nahri, in Hezzine, in Tyre, in Bayyada, in Qassmieh, and those you killed a few minutes ago in Shayyah, in the southern suburb, the "Hezbollah stronghold" as your reporters label it.
In this "Hezbollah stronghold" my colleagues of the press fail to mention, where hundreds of POOR families live, and today most of them are refugees from other parts of the country.
Your smart planes and smart rockets and smart asses and smart allies: kill us all.
This is not just another war.
This is extermination.
This is another fun game, the way the Israelis like them, played with US made arms, funded by YOUR MONEY, justified by YOUR PRESS, encouraged by YOUR ELECTED POLITICIANS.
Hanady Salman - Editor of the Lebanese newspaper "As-Safir"
Murdered by Israel in the Bekka, close to Lebanon's border with Syria.
Original story sourced from: Beirut Journal: http://beirutjournal.blogspot.com
This report was received at FCF today from the Foreign Press Foundation, The Netherlands.
Thank you, Senior FCP Correspondent Henk, my friend and colleague.
Reach his web log site at: http://forpressfound.blogspot.com
- 30 -
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
The New Isolationists
By Michael Caddell, North Jefferson County, Kansas
THE long decline of this civilization’s petroleum based energy supply is at hand. The recent production collapse of the second largest oil field in the world was reluctantly reported last month from Mexico. That “elephantine field” named Cantarell is the second biggest supplier of imported oil to our country behind Canada and will prove to mark the beginning of a geopolitical “perfect storm” looming on the immediate horizon for this country and the world.
The first cold gusts before the thunderheads arrive are being felt in the rising price of gasoline which comprises over 75% of the total oil consumed in this country. The thunder will soon be heard in this country pounding from the jet bombing missions over Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon.
The oil producing countries of the Third World are turning their backs on American markets and toward the rapidly developing Indian, Chinese and East Asian markets. Our inept national leaders and the huge budgets of the government have strapped a downsized and out—sourced middle class; soon too belabored to tax, a large angry section of bankrupt, foreclosure fatigued citizens will erupt in open rebellion. The country has been economically hollowed out, pillaged by transnational corporations, flooded with cheap illegal immigrant labor and a berserk “military industrial complex” shipping bombs and troops all over the world.
We may soon witness the collapse of the American Empire on a bigger scale than what the former Soviet Union endured in the mid—eighties. Combined with worldwide energy shortages the crisis will be permanent and unforgiving, from one skyrocketing price spike followed by a demand destruction to yet another price spike. The nation, leaderless and without emergency mobilizations of capital, research and manufacturing on a scale not witnessed since the Great Depression and WWII condemns us and our children’s children to a future of permanent energy and economic crisis.
Cowardly and inept, demagogic and dishonest leaders dominate our elected positions while the chattering, political mudslingers in the media eliminate from public discourse or downplay “peak oil” or “climate change.” They don’t have the guts to tell us how bleak the future is, no popularity votes or program ratings to be had with these issues, it distracts too many from the entertainment soaked culture.
No happy face motorist wants to hear this bad news—or sacrifice; in mandatory ration programs, radical soil and water conservation measures, non—petroleum based local food production drives, or recycling efforts. Too fat, lazy and cluttered, Americans are not ready for this massive change, yet.
It’s “shop till you drop.” And drop we shall and very soon.
The biggest oil field in the world, Ghawar, located in Saudi Arabia is long overdue and may have already started to decline and collapse in daily production. The former exploration chief for Saudi Aramco, Sadad al—Husseini, has recently stated, flatly, that the “supply rates were slowing, but now they are falling.”
What energy specialist William Herbert describes as “the era of low—hanging fruit … has really run its course.” Herbert is co—head of research at Simmons & Co. International, a Houston based energy investment bank. He said that anymore new field discoveries in the world as large as the two above are “slim to none.”
What many describe as “the long fall” downward in U. S. energy supplies will challenge every American man, woman and child now and for the next several generations to come.
A large and growing number of people are preparing and indeed looking forward to what some have called an “energy paradigm shift” and believe that one of the many consequences will be a vast reduction in the monstrous war budgets of what Eisenhower warned of in his 1961 presidential farewell speech about “the military industrial complex.”
Some are moving, they are the New Isolationists and their numbers are growing in reaction to the disastrous military adventures the nation funds in blood, treasure and bombs abroad and an ever more scarce energy supply.
Demanding immediate troop withdrawals, worldwide military base closures, the immediate securing by the military of the borders, the deportation or naturalization of illegal immigrants and drastic government war budget cuts; is only the beginning of what’s necessary to steer us toward true energy independence.
Nationwide reconstruction of the railroads making affordable mass transit systems and sizeable import tariffs on the flood of cheap goods into the country would lessen the pain of this national transition.
Raising the minimum wage to above the poverty level will be necessary, since only the most menial and manual jobs will be available to many in labor intensive agricultural food production. The 3000 mile head of lettuce or slab of reefer—trucked beef will be so unaffordable that only the rich will be able to eat it on a daily basis.
Locally produced; yard to yard, field to field, farm to market—food will be more about survival, not convenience.
These are the only immediate solutions to this fast growing cycle of never—ending war and energy shock. The Congressional Peak Oil Caucus which Rep. Dennis Moore (D—Ks.) is a member of weakly declared last March that it was going to take the same “nationwide determination of the Apollo Moon Mission” to prepare America for this radical energy change.
The New Isolationists’ demands, as more oil fields collapse and fewer new fields are found, offer the only credible alternative to endless oil wars, or worse, a nuclear WWIII.
It is going to take much more than a manned moon launch and every American must know and prepare now.
“The Trouble is in Your Gas Tank … Oil Safari: Travelogue of Addiction.”
A Chicago Tribune special broadband multimedia report.
Contact us at: bluebarnnewscentral@hughes.net
Also for this editorial:
“Mexico: massive oil field in decline.”
Los Angeles Times, Marla Dickerson, August 3, 2006.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
"It" is taking hold, people are getting it!
Here is the possible start of something revolutionary I mentioned in my previous posts.
Daily Kos: What's NOT The Matter With Kansas
Red State Rabble writes up school election details: "Victory!"
Here is by far one of the most detailed reports on the state school board elections, including which campaigns were the most difficult. Pat Hayes writes this up like no one else in the state. And all after he just returned from a recent out of state lake vacation with his family.
What a guy!
Many of us in the "flyover" zone should thank him for the months and months of tireless work he put in reporting against the tidal wave of nutcases running parts of the state. Scan his archives and look at the interesting posts he made in the past. The FCF has followed this web log and enjoyed every visit with something new each time.
The national news outlets are broadcasting this victory from Kansas and several are speculating on the extent of the damage done to the base of Bush's support.
Click, Red State Rabble: Victory! and read the names and flames from the GOP primary.
No opposition from Kansas Republicans down south.
Steve Otto reports on zombie religious nut base holding solid in grid city. Click below for fun.
The Idiot Factor: Todd Tiahrt's folly: No opposition from Republicans in today�s vote
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Oil Safari - Chicago Tribune Broadband
Incredible stuff watching this movement take hold and gain momentum and good to see it getting out so broadly across the country.
War figures in so many of these kind of important news reports that the daily condition could foster change in this country; it maybe radically faster than the elected leaders can keep up with, faster than the left can quantify or analyse about, traveling through the grapevines to the very core of the peoples' consciousness.
The conditions for something revolutionary among the people could be growing.
The Chicago Tribune news story covered below is one of the most clearly written and easy to understand examples of important journalism your friends and relatives can read, watch or listen to today.
It begins with a Pulitzer Prize winning reporter mopping floors and sweeping parking stalls as he dissects where the gas comes from at a local filling station outside of the Windy City.
The places, people and things get more and more alarming for the viewer as the story takes hold. Reading the original series of newspaper articles (also available on the same page) makes it clear that the collapse could possibly be very quick and catastrophic. The Hirsch Report that detailed the marginalized ability of government's response is cited.
Audio bites of Kunstler and Simmons "debating peak oil" is hilarious for the obstinate notions expressed by the unlimited growth crowd on the other side.
Reminds me of some of my Johnson county friends with their cars, kids and mortgages. Deep denial, Republican or Democrat "it" makes no difference energy scarcity is here.
Also interesting, a former Saudi Aramco official takes the "peakist" side. I don't know how much clearer Matthew Simmons can be for the dunderheads out there on the highways.
The twelve part segments load up while a counter clicks along with the number of barrels consumed in the U. S. while the video plays. A million and a half for my time watching the sections, reading while waiting for the screen to load up.
Even with a pretty fast connection the time waiting is a bit annoying. The "Read the story" section would be advisable if you have anything slower than DLS. The article alone is worth the stay.
Click below and take a trip to the convenience store down the street.
It will be fearful, because the horror pours forth from the petroleum energy base that our civilization has operated on for the last 150 years.
Check your denial at the gas station's coffee bar, the trip home is going to be rocky and dark.
Click. Oil Safari Chicago Tribune news Broadband
Protesters at Hillary's house?
Photos and list of sponsors and abortion didn't have anything to do with it.
I can't stand not having my facts lined up.
News Net Nebraska - Heat Advisory for Nebraska
Heat causes pileup of livestock carcasses - Yahoo! News
Robert Fisk's incredible stories from Lebanon
He just returned from Tyre, where the victims from Sunday's Israeli air strike in Qana were taken following the attack.
It runs for about the first twenty minutes from the Monday, July 31, 2006 program of Democracy Now!
Robert Fisk Reports From Lebanon on the Israeli Bombing of Qana That Killed 57, Including 37 Children