Saturday, December 16, 2006

John Dean throws some legal cold water on the Impeach Bush movement.

I will read and consider anything John Dean publishes.

Is his critique linked below realistic?

What do Flyer readers think?

This article is worth studying, but does little to squelch my desire to have full and open public investigations of the parties involved in undermining American's basic civil liberties, promoting illegal activities; such as torture - and committing war crimes in violation of international treatises. I feel it is imperative that these hearings take place; for the many citizens to understand what the Bush regime has done, the huge national loss of treasure and blood - our children and successive generations must know how the empire fell.

Public hearings, investigations and inquiries with findings and reports are critical and impeachment of those directly responsible should be the proper result. We will see ... read his ideas and arguments below:

Published on Friday, December 15, 2006 by Find Law

Refocusing the Impeachment Movement on Administration Officials Below the President and Vice-President

Why Not Have A Realistic Debate, with Charges that Could Actually Result in Convictions?

by John W. Dean

There is a well-organized and growing movement to impeach President Bush and/or Vice President Cheney. On my bookshelf sit half a dozen books making the case for Bush's impeachment. I myself have no doubt that Bush has, in fact, committed impeachable offenses, and that for each Bush "high crime and misdemeanor," Cheney's culpability is ten or twenty times greater.

At the outset of the 2006 midterm election, Democratic Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi, and Senator Majority Leader-designate Harry Reid, stated on behalf of the Democratic leadership that impeachment of Bush or Cheney would be off the table if they won control of Congress - as they have indeed done. But this position has angered many who want these men impeached.

Click here for the rest of Dean's article:

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