Sunday, December 10, 2006

Dynastic collapse, palace intrigue, and we should be merciful to the King?

Pity these pigs?

We live in very dangerous times.

Are we to have mercy for these bloody rich pigs?

Is impeachment, "off the table" really?

Will it take mass strikes, bloody demonstrations and mob actions to drive them from public offices?

by Michael Caddell

Eleanor Clift writes to MSNBC a pitiful piece linked in the title line above. Read it.

I refuse to have any empathy whatsoever for George Bush, Sr. (#41, as the beltway lobbyists, political whores in Congress and corporate war profiteers call him) or his sons.

Clift writes the obvious after "#41" broke down sobbing in Florida recently wringing his handkerchief, oblivious to the catastrophic peril his offspring have put this country in. Clift is a writer and journalist known for standing up to conservatives on PBS, but in this case she did not go far enough in portraying the angst and sorrow the "everyday" people in this country feels right now.

A more pertinent question is: What stalled Bush "#43" in his attempt to air bomb Iran?

And, can he be stopped from doing so in the 700-plus days ahead for his outrageous war mongering for Big Energy corporations?

Pity these pigs?

We should have no pity for this "family." No pity whatsoever, or mercy - many of them and their colleagues (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, et. al.) should be tried in public courts on national television for violation of international treatises that since WWII and Nuremburg forbade pre - emptive wars of aggression, i. e. vast War Crimes.

Yet, leading Democratic voices moving into key positions of Congress have announced pompously, hypocritically their intentions to avoid any impeachment votes in their chambers. Why is the Democratic Party is so busy betraying the very registered voters that put them into the majority in both chambers of congress?

More than one extremist right wing politician has taunted them, in reality scared them with the prospect of blowing their new majority with public impeachment investigations and hearings. The Democratic Party leadership is committing a treasonous act against the will of the registered voters who brought their party's representatives to power in mid-term elections.

I tell you readers, and I am not exaggerating - the elections last November represent merely the open mouth of a volcano - the true sentiment of the people is fear and anger at a government that is committing international diplomatic disasters endangering the national interests of the remaining world's energy reserves.

The warrior myth of empire is a myth, warring and pillaging other countries in barbaric crusades and deceptive domestic propaganda campaigns have brought down many empires in history. Shall we, ourselves passively witness this horrible end of American Empire?

There are too many citizens of this democratic republic that act helpless, begging for responsible leadership - leadership that has been bought and paid for by what has been now euphemistically called the "military industrial complex." Make no mistake, dear readers, the country and our civil liberties are being systematically dismantled, what our founders guaranteed as our "inalienable" rights are disappearing under a blizzard of special laws, enacted in a phony war, yes, I mean what I write here, a phony "War on Terror."

This is why M.I.T. professor Noam Chomsky has insisted in very understandable language that the USA has dangerously crashed upon the rocks, it is foundering - into a "Failed State" as other dictatorships in the world.

Go out and buy or demand this one book at your public libraries - read it.

I raise again the demands of the "New Isolationists" that offer the ONLY road ahead away from economic and national ruin. It is time for Americans to face this perilous condition and shoulder the energy challenges ahead. We must re-align the national priorities away from a petroleum based civilization and we must do it now.

Only these demands will end this national suicide.




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