Thursday, September 14, 2006

FCF network is big! Writer Anwaar Hussain tips readers!

"Project Censored" TOP 25 STORIES RELEASED FOR 2006!

I received the following from the great writer Anwaar Hussain who broadcasts from his forum in the United Arab Emirates, and writes some of the best essays in the blogosphere.

Check this out!

I published "Project Censored" when Dr. Ben Bagdakian first started the "project" years ago before Gulf War One. Back then it was just a list passed around through the alternative press networks, now it comes out as an annual book. These and others will be appearing in the 2007 issue.

Here is Anwaar's brief message, the link below takes you to his forum where the headlines to the 25 "Project Censored" stories are linked, you'll be reading more about this in the future here at the FCF web log.

Anwaar's letter begins below:

Dear All,

Here is a list of Top 25 Censored News Stories of 2006. You got to see it to believe it;

Please do register and comment.


1 comment:

Scorpio said...
for the stories -- the tinyurl thing is dead.