Saturday, July 01, 2006

War Crimes, Gaza Under Seige

Israel’s War Crimes

While many in the United States are preparing to celebrate Independence Day, preparing happy scenes of BBQ picnics and fireworks, on the other side of the world, U.S. supplied weapons are being used by Israel to “collectively punish” all persons in Gaza.

Rolling power outages have swept across the area after American build aircraft bombed electrical generators. Water and fuel supplies have been stopped at the border and along the Iron Wall.

Many reports are coming out through the internet of mass deprivations.

Reports sound horribly familiar to narratives of the Nazis destruction of civilian resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto during WWII.

This is a real war crime.

Here is one of the closest reports “on the ground” I could find, courtesy the FPF’s links.

Go to: Rafah - Palestine for up to date photographs and short articles describing the Israelis attacks along the West Bank.

Also, a scattering of analysis and reports from many different sources in or near the scene of the invasion at:

More to follow.

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