Sunday, July 09, 2006

Bush regime ain't over, not by a long shot.

The “slog” through to the painful end of the most disastrous administration in
U. S. history
“A nation cringes” is how the San Francisco Chronicle columnist Mark Morford describes life under Bush and the long bitter end to the second term.

Morford uses some of the most vivid words, even at one point describing having Bush as president to a painful rash on the face that never goes away and so embarrassing to keep one away from public view for weeks, months.

And the liberal bashing hard core Fox News nuts get a taste of just how the Republican friends of Morford are:

“Bush came up, as a topic, as a cancer, as a fetid miasma in the air. They were both shaking their heads. They were sighing heavily. They were both, in a word, disgusted. The more staunchly conservative of the two even went so far as to say he was so embarrassed and humiliated by this president, by this administration, so appalled at all the war atrocities and the wiretapping and the misuse of law, the fiscal irresponsibility and the abuse of the lower classes and the outright arrogance, that if the Dems could somehow produce a decent moderate candidate with a brain, he'd have zero problem switching allegiances and voting for him. Or her.”

Morford’s painful but reality based piece goes on to address the very 32% left supporting Bush with:

This is where it stands: Bush can in no way risk alienating the ultra-right-wing bonk-job contingent that put him in office (they are, considering Bush's 32-percent approval rating, the only ones left even remotely supporting him -- even though, according to many estimates, they're starting to abandon him, too), and hence all policy and all agenda items from here on out will be even more vicious and desperate in an attempt to shore up the base. Hence trying to mutilate the Constitution to ban gay marriage. Hence attacking the New York Times and claiming newspapers are endangering American lives.

It’s just too good to chop up any further, read the complete piece George W. Bush Is Dead To Me.

And who is paying that very heavy bloody price?

Just look at this Affidavit from federal court, U.S. v. Steven D. Green case # 06MJ230 where F.B.I. Special Agent Gregor J. Ahlers, Louisville Division as he describes the rape, murder and cover – up of the 14 year old Iraqis girl and her family.

The New York Times got a shot of her passport and reported that more soldiers are being charged as Baghdad explodes into "mob violence."

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