Monday, January 23, 2006

From the far side of the world


Are there any more Fightin’ Cocks in Asia?

“Our Man Arrives at the Islands” Reports

(Editor’s Note: Here is the latest from one of our readers traveling abroad. " Hotspots" are cool. My comments posted below. Post your questions to him below on the comments board. Hail Empire! – MC.)


I arrived in Baguio, P.I. after 36 hours of continuous travel.

This place continues to amaze me no matter how often I come here.

The level of poverty, organized confusion and overpopulation is incredible. But, all in all, a very happy people suffering under a corrupt government that prevents economic development.

For example the Communist insurgents not far from my present location continue to attack cell phone towers because the company will not meet their extortion demands.

In the paper today rebel elements of the Philippine Army are talking revolt because of the corruption involved in promoting senior officers.

Who would invest $ here?

So the people suffer.

Off to HK for Chinese New Year in a few days.


(Editor’s Note: “Communist insurgents” sounds more like turf wars with neighborhood chieftains, but what do I know? The commies are most likely charging “taxes” or shutting the “company” down. One could make an argument their seizure methods are crude, but to the point. Levels of corruption, really, every tiny fish getting its share of other little fishies. We Americans are more civilized in that it is better for the “free market” federals to allow Enron power outages across the Great Northwest, watch helplessly as it goes belly – up, then call in the execs and shoot at their golden parachutes. Please eat some chicken and we'll keep send'em Mad Cow Beef! Hail Empire! – MC.)

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