Sunday, June 12, 2005

After the "AfterDowningStreet" campaign - Watch, encourage C-span coverage of Conyer's June 16 forum.

Grassroots Mobilization Works

C – Span


 Us the Proggy Flogging Bloggers


“I say ‘subversive’ not only because C-SPAN is apt to take interesting books seriously but also because of its live coverage of the Senate and the House of Representatives, the only look we are ever allowed at the mouthpieces of our masters up close and, at times, most reflective of a government more and more remote from us, unaccountable and repressive. To watch the righteous old prophet Byrd of West Virginia, the sunny hypocrisy of Biden of Delaware—as I write these hallowed names, I summon up their faces, hear their voices, and I am covered with C-SPAN goose bumps.

At any rate, wondrous C-SPAN has another string to its bow. While some executive was nodding, C-SPAN started showing us Britain’s House of Commons during Question Time. This is the only glimpse that most Americans will ever get of how democracy is supposed to work.

These party leaders are pitted against one another in often savage debate on subjects of war and peace, health and education. Then some 600 Members of Parliament are allowed to ask questions of their great chieftains. Years ago the incomparable Dwight Macdonald wrote that any letter to the London Times (the Brits are inveterate letter writers on substantive issues) is better written than any editorial in the New York Times.”

GORE VIDAL, “Something Rotten in Ohio

writing in The Nation, June 9, 2005


And GORE VIDAL who I consider one of the greatest living critical writers in America today, despite his advanced age; will make any libertarian, conservative, liberal or radical progressive person think critically about our country, and he has it dead on target.


Most Americans addicted to consumerism; plastic money, oil and refined sugar products – cannot think critically for themselves without a media saturated bombardment leading all to moronic behavior.


Why not instead of stupid constitutional amendments mandating “God Hates Fags” a “President’s Question Time” on C – Span every week in a full attendance of the House of Representatives.


Why not get the lazy assed, lobbyist soaked and wealthy elected officials to do their jobs in front of us?


I have watched much to the chagrin of my family the “Prime Minister’s Question Time” segment on C - span for several years and in slack jaw envy wondered how so many Americans could not wish a similar honest spectacle every week on any president, Republican or Democrat.


It is nationally televised in Britain, with mandatory attendance, micro phoned to hear the whole House of Commons and available to any Brit wanting to watch it every week.  It is not always perfect, I understand the questions are screened for answers in advance – at least it is open and transparent.


They boo, hiss and yell dissent.  Go to: for a UK listing of the program on the internet.


C – Span has done it again – making Americans take a big “Heads Up” about the reality – based journalism that is overlooked by the large corporate centered media machines.  The now famous “Downing Street Memo” is snowballing through the internet and slamming into the beltway.


First the June 4th segment with Steve Cobble and Robert Aylward on a morning segment of Washington Journal complete with shrieking hysterical Bush callers, then the following day Ralph Nader making the case for impeachment while wading through more hostile callers.


Go to:  to get the listing of “most watched segments” mentioned above.  Also check out Ralph Nader’s June 5th, 2005 segment on the same program.


The debate is like Nader said in commenting on one foaming caller, “people getting on television and try to convince us that the moon is made of blue cheese.”  These Bush supporters are nuts.


Go to the Washington Journal section of C – Span’s website and take the time to watch these segments.


However much people deny it is the beginning of a “Resolution of Inquiry” leading to impeachment hearings against the Bush administration the information is convincing many to start just that process.  The After Downing Street website ( was so swamped with hits that it shut down for two days. 


Progressive bloggers are rolling against the mainstream media – by not only giving an outlet for independent investigative reporting that is not financed, but by the disclosure of criminality in political office – and “quickening the pace” toward stopping this disastrous war.


Anyone with half a brain can now know about the “Downing Street Memo” which first broke in the London based Times newspaper May 2, 2005.  When it first appeared in print, PM Tony Blair’s campaign was in full swing and quickly denounced it as a campaign spoiler and nothing more.


The spoiler remarks from Blair’s campaign staff did not prevent his re – election.  Yet, that was before MP George Galloway’s stunning statement before the Republican dominated committee in Washington.


Yet the disclosure hasn’t went away by a long shot and in fact it has mushroomed into a major media break – check out the “recent program” listing at the C – Span home site for their morning segments of Washington Journal.  Washington Journal aired 45 minutes of Steve Cobble and Robert Aylward last Friday, June 10, 2005 and witness the viewers calling in screaming “seditious Left” at them. 


Grassroots Bush supporters who call in programs like Washington Journal are shrieking mad.  One can only imagine what is being said within the White House as the outcry is being embraced by many “I like Ike” conservatives and libertarians across the country.


Readers of the Fightin’ Cock’s email news circuit received my special Memorial Day message linking them to sign the letter from 88 members of Congress and John Conyers. 


He is pledging to deliver which was signed by over 100,000 in less than two days and now with the addition of Move On (dot) org’s mobilization will soon reach over 500,000 by June 16th, 2005 when Conyers plans to “hand deliver” it to the White House.


Check out these programs listed and encourage C – Span to cover Conyers forum.


The latest is at the “overwhelmed” site: .





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