Thursday, March 24, 2005


Mark Twain, wrote in early 1901 an essay titled "To the Person Sitting in Darkness."

Each of the world's strongest nations, he wrote, was proceeding "with its banner of the Prince of Peace in one hand and its loot-basket and its butcher-knife in the other.”

Too bad Twain isn’t alive today to write of the empty “loot basket” and bloody knife being wielded by business within contemporary America. Thousands of villages across the country are sliding into Third World status while millions of righteous villagers are mobilized by their respective congressional representatives to defend a brain dead religious martyr on permanent life support in Florida.

What fools the legislators are making of us not only in Kansas, but across Bush Country.


Here in Kansas, deep in Bush Country, the ramifications of this poisonous program of ramming religion into the forefront of any debate, while the countryside teeters on economic ruin is tantamount to criminality in public office.
Many Kansans are finally getting fed up with our legislator’s rank hypocrisy. Many are fed up with the moral thrashing legislator’s in Topeka throw upon Democratic Governor Sebelius; tightening the purse strings, cutting back social services, privatizing anything they can lay their hands on – and making the whole state look like it’s inhabited by a bunch of Christian troglodytes.

The Flyer doesn’t endorse politicians, never did and never will, especially when Kansas Democrats cower in the corner and never come out swinging. Yet what that bunch of conservative legislators in Topeka are doing to Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and to women in this state sickens the whole nation.

How else can one explain the comments of a female radio talk show host on Air America Radio fielding phone call after phone call from outraged women around the country about Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline’s secret inquisition into the sexual medical records of women? She said he was “out of control” and “running amok” and the state pays the former anti – abortion protestor turned lawyer and “deputy” Assistant Attorney General Bryan Brown $68,000.00 a year to help Gen. Kline.

Who wouldn’t be a tad bit upset?

Recently the Flyer published to its nearly 1000 readers (and growing fast) the “Top Ten Reasons to Vote ‘NO’ on the Kansas ballot initiative” this April 5th, 2005.

Go to: to read this important document from the Mainstream Coalition.
Consider their thoughtful arguments before casting your vote this April 5th. To give you an idea of just how twisted things are here among the faithful in Kansas; some of our more conservative Kansas readers replied that “gays were attacking the state government.”

I have yet to read of a single incident of a gay or lesbian “attacking” the state government.

And what the hell does that mean anyhow? Are people around here so tame that they forgot the First Amendment?

It is one thing to tell gays and lesbians that they can’t have marriage ceremonies in some Podunk church.

It is quite another for the government to deprive them of a simple civil marriage license that entitles spousal benefits to the queer couple; in hospitals, on living wills, in probate court, in pensions and retirement benefits, you know all those nice things married people can do for each other.

Pilgrims, fellow dumb Podunk people, these nice things that married men and women share in Kansas is already illegal for homosexuals in Kansas. It is already prohibited by law for queers to enjoy.

It’s not enough to have “gay marriage” illegal in Kansas according to the state legislature that put it on the ballot – we have to be as mean spirited, puritanical and as bigoted as the “God Hates Fags” bunch at the local Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka.

Go to the link above and read it, go ahead and read it fellow Podunk.

Yes, that’s right, you sodbusters, Kansas already have laws prohibiting gay and lesbian marriages of any kind, civil or sacramental – so what is this possible new law about?

Why is this stupid amendment to the state constitution even being printed up on the ballots and billed to the Podunk taxpayer?

Go right back up there and take the time to read it, fellow Podunk.

The Kansas Mainstream Coalition had the chutzpah to point out in its first point that this “initiative” has less to do with “Gay Marriage” and more to do with “religious tyranny”, and the nation has seen in the last few days just how tyrannical and arrogant the Christian fundamentalist fascists are about imposing their hypocritical agenda upon all of us. We have heard all the flatulent speeches our legislators have made over their ready made religious martyr, Terry Schiavo. Don't tell us about God when you whore this pitiful woman for your political causes.

We called it the “God Hates Fags ballot initiative” and stand by it.

A vote for the April 5th ballot initiative is a vote for a big Fred Phelps “God Hates Fags” sign to represent the state that was once an embattled refuge for fugitive slaves. Those that vote for the ballot initiative might as well take the state seal of Kansas down and give it back to the old slaver’s bounty hunters along the Missouri River.

The royal blue Seal of the once Great State of Kansas then can read “God Hates Nigger Lovers, Fags, Abortion Doctors and the Women who have Abortions” and blare out to the whole world how stupidly fascist we are!

These well paid hyenas making laws in our state will throw anything into the smudge pot to get a big sooty cloud in the air: gays, lesbians, Bill & Hillary Clinton, fetal tissue, stem cells, yes even poor old brain dead Terry Schiavo gets thrown in to blind the faithful and all the while our elected public officials wine and dine, making all those deals with the big shots in the corporations while cold cocking the bible voters in their pocket books.

Kansans who don’t believe it should check into just how much money was contributed by the Kansas executives at the Westar electrical energy company to Tommy DeLay’s political action committees and other politicians. Look into how much that figure amounts to while you are writing out that check to pay your electrical bill.

And to our readers outside of Kansas we ask, “Now don’t you pity the poor Podunk people in Kansas?”

Fear and Consumption

Nothing more outrageous than a whole pack of upper middle class creeps in tailored suits and razor hair cuts sermonizing, waving their bibles and selling their spiritual snake oil to an indolent and fearful audience of big box chain store consumers.

Do you hear the hyenas for the energy, banking and construction companies? “We got to go into Iraq, they got’em [WMD].” – G. W. Bush. “The people will erect a statute of George Bush in Baghdad square.” - Richard Perle. “We need another $87 billion this year. We have an exit strategy.” “Social Security is going broke.” And on and on and on it goes and the old people of Podunk and the young yuppie Republicans just keep gulping and swallowing the lies like a prostitute working an all night truck stop parking lot.

Just one more trick and it’ll get fixed.

Extreme cynics have commented that the Schiavo propaganda blitz is tailored by these same political hucksters to appeal to an equally brain dead population of zombie voters.

America’s mullahs with their big flag lapel pins and red ties will shovel this religious manure down our throats as long as Ma and Pa Kettle in the Deliverance states keep eating it. Even while their children face a polluted future of perpetual war and penury.
Maybe, if they live to see their children and grandchildren locked up in the country jail for credit card debts, being involved in an illegal abortion or just vanish into the teeming slums of the cities to escape military conscription the old folks will consider the ramifications of their political choices.
Ma and Pa Kettle will probably have to die of old age, after the farm is foreclosed over their medical bills before the down and dirty truth is realized.

They haven’t captured Osama Bin Ladin yet, but the Bushites got his relatives out of America. How many Ma and Pa Kettles will go to their graves wondering?
Where is Osama Bin Ladin?

This is the sickest manipulation of a huge national herd of people since the lies about WMD lead to over 100,000 slaughtered men, women and children in Iraq.

What a miserable smelling stench is blowing out from behind the fundamentalist church pulpits today.

A cowardly graft soaked congress spends many hours pontificating on a miserable situation faced by a family wrecked by division. And the stink, whew, is getting as ripe as a pig ranch on a hot Fourth of July.

Just how stupid and gullible do the arrogant big shot corporations and their governments think we are?

Well, pretty damn stupid in considering the number of American citizens who have been corralled and herded around like cattle and hogs to the sloshing sound of a bucket full of moralizing slop from the master’s farmhouse table. What a stupid lot we are being made to look like by the big corporations and their campaign funded hyenas in our governments.

The fears being peddled to the narrowest self – interests of the faithful fundamentalist fascists is beginning to wear very thin. Fearless smirking leaders full of themselves with moral outrage are on the television swearing allegiance to the phony “pro – life” folks.

The rural areas of the state of Kansas, like so many others in the heartland, are being financially gutted with Main Street businesses abandoned to nearby big box monster chains; public schools and homes are marginalized to rot where the survivors too old or too poor to leave are left to bull doze the remains.

And the loyal opposition, equally fear filled, plays along with the game, so far.

Crap media at its slimiest; reporting on the slavish crumb grubbing most Kansans are taught to observe in their relationship to all government – instilled with the proper amount of fear of “going without” the people of Kansas are bombarded with the media of fear. “Don’t go to Hell. Please, don’t go to Hell.”

One can almost smell the fear among Kansans when graft greased liars in the big buildings and courthouses tell them “it’s for your own good” – then the out – sourced, downsized and low wage conservatives begin the great howling, the gnashing of teeth and rending of garments.

The hollow petroleum-based red, white and blue idol of “Pro – Life” is raised up by their elected pulpit pounding politicians and the bamboozled bedraggled believers stampede to another sunrise worship service.

1 comment:

prying1 said...

Gosh. You raise some serious isues here. Maybe you should take it up with the Supreme Court.