Sunday, March 13, 2005

The company they keep in Kanas!

"Let the Eagle Soar!"
The Wichita Eagle, Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline and the “clinic bomber” – fishing stinks.

In furthering the cause of finding an American Jesus we now are witnessing just how far things have "progressed" in Kansas. Everybody wants to be an American Jesus. Didn't Attorney General Phill Kline campaign to shut down Dr. George Tiller's women's medical clinic in Wichita, Ks.?
Our state, Kansas, always an amusing study; with our unabashed proclivity for trying out anything new, then shouting to the skies – about our superior virtue at our use of the new fangled idea - thing, it's proof of our forward thinking ways.
Sort of like when Andy "Aw Shucks" Kravenborn got fried to death by ball lightening while proudly carrying a lightening rod out to the pasture to show his brothers what he had just bought from that traveling junk peddler.
We got us some real performers in the seats of power in Kansas, one particular cuss being our Attorney General Phill Kline who has been fishing for "child predators" in the medical records at local abortion clinics.
A solution to women refusing to be slaves to their biology has been pounded out on the pulpits, and can now be enforced by the head of the state’s police; yes sir, after millions of howling repentances and hundreds of thousands rolling in the states’ church aisles
The Great Experiment in Kansas is having a nationally important result. Attorney General Phill Kline will get a state paid trip to the Supreme Court to enhance his career as politico supremo.
Steve Fosey flew off around the world and came back to Salina, Ks without ever touching the ground.
Trog Republican leaders we just send off to Washington D.C. and hope they never come back.

The nation’s last Civil War is largely agreed to have started here where popular irregular militias started killing each other in 1854 as a disputed colonized territory of an invading wave of alien Caucasoid Troglodytes for Christ.

In today’s world of huge corporate farms, square mile livestock slaughtering operations, Wild West collective labor struggles, rivers seeping petroleum farm chemicals and a large hard grit gravel road voting block of retiring Pentecostal and fundamentalist Christians - Kansas defies a hard definition. However, only the deaf, mute, blind and lunatic could miss the point being made by our state’s conservative leadership.
And when a few skeptical voices are heard?
What a din of weeping voices, gnashing of teeth and rending of garments they produce.

These people whine about being persecuted whenever any one disagrees with their political actions in government. They whine loudest when some barbed humor is pointed their way because they take themselves so seriously they’re willing to overwhelmingly support the ruthless puppet occupation of Iraq.

The new start - up blog Otto's War Room reported that a convicted conspirator in a 1987 botched attempt at bombing a San Diego, Ca. women's clinic was featured in The Wichita Eagle editorial page March 8, 2005. And Attorney General Phil Kline’s non – smirking portrait was wrapped with her theocratic conspiracy rants cheerleading Kline’s rummaging through women’s sexual medical records.

The idea of General Kline and his deputies, like former anti - abortion protester turned lawyer, Ks AAG Bryan Brown (state salary listed - $68k/yr.) pouring over a woman's clinic file jacket, squinting under a desk lamp in some buried chamber and trying to discern some handwriting - it sort of makes even the toughest sod busting hombre, well, disgusted.

If former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno legally invaded a Christian owned men's penile enlargement clinic down in Texas - pulled their penis medical records, dragged them into court and questioned them over their viagra prescriptions what kind of howl would be going on?

How about calling their wives up on the stand?

How far we've come from defending fugitive slaves in the Underground Railroad before the Civil War, to the state sanctioned destruction of two clinics in Kansas that have performed thousands of late term abortions for fugitive women from the “Man’s World” of endless class war, religious genocide and the planet’s polluted destruction.

Outfitted with an entrenched corporate machine peddling their ‘born again’ congressional representatives, armed with the Attorney General’s sympathetic allegiance to the Troglodyte terrorist wing within the self – styled ‘pro – life’ movement, and in the same boat with better than half of the state’s school board; a visiting extraterrestrial would figure that several chartered groups of the Flat Earth Society is noisily governing us, the fearful liberals.
"Don't go to Hell. Please, don't go to Hell," the red ties and lapel pin mullahs moan as they pour over your daughter's medical records. They say they won't put her name in the local county paper for all your neighbors to read, just shame and a little mild jail threat - to that podunk that poked her.
Emergency contraception? Never heard of it. Treating sexually transmitted diseases? Don't know what it is. A good physical examination and assesment of a woman's health? Who needs that we got medical insurance for that.
"You're all a bunch of baby killers ... and we're going to put you all in jail."
"Don't go to Hell. Please, don't go to Hell," after bombings, burnings, shotgun and deer rifle slayings across the country of people at abortion clinics, now in the 21st century - America is on the march in Iraq!

Mindless Chamber of Commerce Booster News meets Happy Face Christian Fascist?

It doesn’t seem to bother too many Kansans that the nation has mirrored in a fantastic reflection its craven spiritual slop, an image posing as America’s happy - face of Christian compassion; bombing its way to a self – fulfilling prophetical Armageddon.
No, the worst isn’t about to happen, because the Kansas energy executives greasing the politicians all the way from Texan Tommy DeLay’s political graft machines; to the full collection plates at every Second Amendment home church in Wichita, the maligned and besieged, are hooting and hollering about their stink baiting ways.

Kansas Attorney General Phil Kline could be heard as far north as a Kansas City National Public Radio affiliate; wiggling, weaseling and whining to a couple hundred thousand market share listeners of the energized end – timers in north east Kansas. Kansas City Star reporter, Steve Kraske’s 11 am week day program “Up to Date” on 89.3 FM last week had Gen. Kline on the phone from his bunker at the state capital stammering about his innocence, pining about his strict adherence to the law and foisting a great deal of the blame on the judge who ruled for bringing the women’s medical records to the court.

In the typical paranoid Bush style feigning a funny mix of Chicken Little and King Kong with a legal club, Kline as much as blamed the clinics and the media for fanning the uproar over his investigation.

Many Kansas voting districts are awash with unchallenged Republican incumbents on the ballot embedded for generations in the county level government offices. The hard shell Christian Trog’s cult of the fetus were mobilized on the Republican precinct level originally after the nation’s anti – abortion forces descended on Wichita during the early nineties summer campaigns including the guns and bombs that came along with them. It seemed that any red, white and blue garden variety religious psycho traveling in a Winnebago with a poor man’s vision of a Rambo gun collection could camp out in and around Wichita’s Christian paramilitary compounds.

It’s worth telling that back then rumour had it that Federal plainclothes police officials enjoyed walking the Wichita hugely popular gun show malls. The huge unregulated flea market featured hundreds of the all American exhibition booths hawking guns, ammo, thumb worn Bibles and copies of the U. S. Constitution (abridged).
Rumor has it that all the good old boys got along well even as they missed or omitted Little Timmy McVeigh hawking the Aryan Christian “novels” and guns to the Aw Shucks Kravenborn fresh off the farm in the suburbs. Well, that was before the OKC bombing and 911, so it’s forgotten shoved off into the local political mythology of American amnesia.

Yeah, it’s a tad bit wacky in the Land of Oz and now every Bush lover in the shaky Republic gets a taste of the cultural Cool – Aid being mixed up behind nearly every Bible thumping fundamentalist pulpit.
And you thought all this was to safeguard our democracy during the last election!


(Overheard on a Sunday morning with newspapers, muffins and an exotic coffee blend in an upper class Kansas home.)

“Darling is that OUR Phill Kline’s picture?”

Yes, same tie and lapel pin, must they look so damn Bushy?

“Well everybody knows he’s wanted to appear at the Supreme Court for ever so long, and didn’t he campaign to stop Dr. Tiller.”

Yes, (newspaper rustles) President Brownback and Governor Kline, our little holy rollers are making quite a stir.

“I hope they win.”

Yes, dear.

The largest daily newspaper in Southeast Kansas is featuring a clinic bomber for Christ as she gushes in support for our homegrown version of yet another fearless smirking leader molded from the Bush religious corporate juggernaut.
Knuckle dragging troglodytes that hang around the Kansas abortion clinics for women are now being featured as not mere news sources, but considered such a necessary voice of the community that column inch after column inch of text is donated to the most public radical sympathizer to “God’s” cult of the fetus. Out – sourcing writers to anti – abortion extremists is important if the publisher of the only daily in fifty miles has to cut down on labor expenses and maintain advertising revenues for the Chamber of Commerce golf courses, country clubs and gated communities.
The impending fascist makeover of The Wichita Eagle will most likely include laudatory salvos for future military expeditions into Iran and finally destroy what little remains of American dignity deep in Bush country after the Iraq disaster. An additional 50 or 60,000 women and children bombed, killed and maimed should not bother the “pro – lifers” parading around the clinics as Kline’s legal bon fires burn.
It is rumored that a recent large turnover of staff at the Eagle has caused, according to local free lance writers, the paper’s traditional format of an attempt at “balance” to take the trendy Bush “swing to the hard right.” Go figure, in the only urban population in Kansas where Karl Marx would consider a large industrial working class to still exist in the whole state!

Ms. Cheryl Sullenger wrote up her loyalty to our G.O.P favored native son Kansas Attorney General Phil Kline's fishing expedition into two abortion clinics where the medical records of at least 90 women are being examined for evidence of "child rape" and "criminal late term abortion."

The editors and publisher of this paper might as well paste her name on the masthead as Information Minister given the widespread sympathy for her Christian terrorist ways.

Never let literacy get in the way of expediting the world conquering conclusion of the religious fanatics. Stalking around the clinics in Kansas City and Wichita the chosen few of the Christian fundamentalists photograph, scream and spy on the women and men who enter and exit the clinics.

Otto provided some details of her criminal exploits when she and others were terrorizing the people of the Golden State of California: which will give you an idea of just how close they came to killing clinic staffers and patients in San Diego.
A 357 magnum, a couple full reloaders, a pipe bomb and a couple gallons of gasoline found with them near the clinic and Kline's buddies got a slap on the wrists by post Patriot Act 911 standards. Just give them a job at the local press room call them "outreach coordinators" and pass them off to the trog faithful as legitimate voices of your creed. Hell put Kline's official state photograph up there along her words.
The woman, now prominent editorialist and state law enforcement cheerleader, was convicted along with: Dorman Owens, Joann Kreipel, Chris Harmon and Eric Svelmoe of conspiracy charges and Ms. Cheryl Sullenger spent around 2 years in prison for the botched attack.

Rumor has it that her husband turned her in as the Christian terrorist cell was transporting the lethal cargo to the clinic. She moved out here to the sympathetic and idiotic self - described "pro - life" minions, but not after doing quite a bit of misdemeanor stalking activities.

Go to this hilarious site for more details: where pictures and details are included of her exploits at chaining herself and other women to their biology.

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