Monday, May 30, 2011

Dick Meister: "A Memorial Day Massacre" @ Truthout

The close-ups are particularly brutal. As one newspaper reviewer noted, "In several instances from two to four policemen are seen beating one man. One strikes him horizontally across the face, using his club as he would a baseball bat. Another crashes it down on top of his head and still another is whipping him across the back."

The film ends with a sweaty, fatigued policeman looking into the camera, grinning and motioning as if dusting off his hands.

The film was made in 1937. It was not, however, one of those popular cops and robbers features of the thirties. It was not fictional. It was an on-the-scene report of what historians call "The Memorial Day Massacre," a newsreel segment filmed by Paramount Pictures as it was happening on the south side of Chicago on May 30, 1937.

Read more about the "Memorial Day Massacre" at Truthout.

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