"Raise less corn and more hell!" We print shotgun journalism, use "bad grammar" whenever possible and write with a short fuse from our farm in North Jefferson County, Kansas. Our slogan: "Hayseeds and bovines, unite! Stampede the clutterfreaks! Life is short!" Email us at: bluebarnnewscentral@gmail.com
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Michael Hudson: The Obama Letdown
[excerpt] ... The change that Mr. Obama is talking about is largely marginal to this wealth, not touching its economic substance – or its direction. No doubt he will bring about a welcome change in race relations, environmental regulations, and a more civil rule of law. And he probably will give wage earners an income-tax break (thereby enabling them to keep on paying their bank debts, incidentally). As for the rich, they prefer not to earn income in the first place. Taxes need to be paid on income, so they take their returns in the form of capital gains. And simply avoiding losses is the order of the day in the present meltdown. ... Read more
Saturday, November 29, 2008
And now for something completely different ... the Soggy Bottom Boyz!
Ron Jacobs: The Continuing Saga of the White Album
Friday, November 28, 2008
Chomsky: Is There Truth in Obama's Advertising? | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet
A Kansas reader forwards this link. Yes, Dorothy there is intelligent life in the Land of Ahs! Read more
Afghan president wishes he could shoot down U.S. planes : Information Clearing House - ICH
"Oops there goes another rubber tree plant!"
Ramzi Kysia: "The Team Obama Should Have Picked" - Counterpunch
First post hat tip to the important Information Clearinghouse! Here an excerpt from the original source. [excerpt] ... Obama is as close to a complete outsider as has ever been elected to the White House. His personal history and cultural narrative are unique and compelling. His rhetoric is uplifting. He has been elected by the largest margin of victory in twenty years. His party comfortably controls both houses of Congress. His campaign energized millions and created an incredible network of volunteers across the country who can now be called upon for continued political action. And, beyond these things, our nation now faces economic and foreign policy crises that have even our elites worried, and looking for fresh approaches. With all these advantages, if Obama can’t find it in him to name even one person from the so-called “Democratic wing” of the Democratic Party, then it isn’t because he’s a coward, and it isn’t because he’s reaching out to conservatives - it's because he doesn’t want to. ... Read more
Sean Penn: "Conversations With Chavez and Castro" - The Nation
Another outstanding forward from an intrepid reader-surfer: [excerpt] ... So I called Fernando Sulichin, an old friend and well-connected independent film producer from Argentina, and asked that he get them vetted and approved to interview Chávez. In addition, we wanted to fly from Venezuela to Havana, and I asked that Fernando request on our behalf interviews with the Castro brothers, most urgently Raúl, who had taken over the reins of power from an ailing Fidel in February--and who had never given a foreign interview. I had traveled to Cuba in 2005, when I had the good fortune of meeting Fidel, and was eager for an interview with the new president. The phone rang at 2 o'clock the following afternoon. "Mi hermano," Fernando said. "It is done." Our flight from Houston to Caracas was delayed due to mechanical problems. It was 1 o'clock in the morning, and as we waited, Hitchens paced. "Very rarely does only one thing go wrong," he said. He must have liked the way it sounded, because he said it again. He was God's pessimist. I said, "Hitch, it's gonna be fine. They'll get us another plane, and we'll be there on time." But God's pessimist is actually God's atheistic pessimist. And I would later be reminded of the clarity in his atheism. Something else would indeed go wrong. Well, right and wrong, as you'll find out. Within two hours, we were taking off. ... Read more at: Conversations With Chavez and Castro
Op-Ed Columnist - ROGER COHEN - A Command of the Law - NYTimes.com
A reader comments with this forward, "I'm not as sanguine about Gates as Cohen is, but the part on the rule of law is on the mark, though it doesn't quite convey what a close call we've had." [excerpt] ... President Bush had one overriding criterion in choosing his inner circle: loyalty. The result was nobody would pull the plug on stupidity. Obama wants the kind of competence and brainpower that challenge him. The God-gut decision-making of The Decider got us in this mess. Getting out of it will require an Oval Office where smart dissent is prized. ... Op-Ed at the NYTimes.com
Mumbai, the NYT's revisionism, and lessons not learned - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
"All the news that's fit to print." And handy for tinder in the firebox. Another reader forwards on the subject of Hugo Chavez and the Times editorial somersaults. You have to click past Salon's annoying pass, but worth the Turkey-stuffed effort. [excerpt for the lazy] ... Four days after its pro-coup Editorial, the Times -- once Chavez was returned to power in the wake of Carmona's anti-democratic moves -- returned to the topic of Venezuela, once again echoing the official line from Bush officials, who took to condemning the now-failed coup attempt. .... Salon.com
FRONTLINE: the hugo chavez show | PBS
A reader forwards this link for viewing over the holiday. Also, a comment: "J---- was watching this the other night. I am sure there are lots of defects in his person and leadership. But I am leery of a program on him produced by the Petroleum Broadcasting Company." Totally spot-on! Eh? Watch it on-line with a critical eye! FRONTLINE: the hugo chavez show
Radical Solutions for a Crazy Economy | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet
The man who the Wall Street media whores derided as "Dr. Doom" just a couple years ago - writes: " ... Deflation also leads to the nightmare of debt deflation, a situation well analyzed by Irving Fisher during the Great Depression. If debt liabilities are in nominal terms and at a fixed long-term interest rate, a reduction in the price level increases the real value of such nominal liabilities. So debtors who are already distressed in a recession and deflation become even more distressed as the real burden of their liabilities sharply rises. ... " Read it all at: AlterNet
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Kansas Jackass: Ignoring Brownback, Thornburgh Continues Run for Governor
[excerpt] ... While Thornburgh and Brownback did indeed have two meetings, Thornburgh's aides say he's still in the game. ... Read more at: Kansas Jackass
Informed Comment: Obama Condemns Mumbai Attacks; Bloggers Finger Lashkar-e Tayiba; Pakistan Pledges Support
Includes AP video from the scene of the attack.
Dissident Voice : A Review of Red State Rebels: Tales of Grassroots Resistance in the Heartland
Michael Hudson: The Obama Letdown
[excerpt] ... Instead, after resembling President Carter by running a brilliant presidential primary campaign to win the nomination (will a similarly disappointing administration be about to come?), Obama is looking more like Boris Yeltsin – a political umbrella for the kleptocrats to whom the public domain and decades of public wealth were given with no quid pro quo. ... Read more at: Counterpunch
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Does Anybody Else Think Getting America Shopping Again is Crazy Talk? | This Can't Be Happening!
I think the Obama "transition team" is sounding like another recycled Bush-lite beverage served up like cheap beer to the masses, while those in the country club are still drinking champagne. I'm not buying anything except vittals for the holiday. Dave Lindorff writes: I was listening to Robert Reich, once the left end of the spectrum in the Clinton cabinet, talking with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer a few days ago, and Reich, who has in the past sometimes made sense, was talking about how Americans’ incomes had fallen over the last eight years of the Bush/Cheney administration and that it was necessary to get their incomes back on an upward trend, so that they could “start shopping again.” ... Where, when and from whom have we heard this before? It's happening again, read it at: This Can't Be Happening!
Kansas City's "End the Fed" March and Speakers!
Rally Speakers
March to the Fed!
March to the Fed!
Kansas Jackass: Challengers May Strip Neufeld and Hensley of Leadership Spots
Tim Wise: "Enough of 'Barbituate' Left Cynicism, Obama Is a Victory over White Supremacy" | AlterNet
A reader forwards from AlterNet by Tim Wise: [excerpt] ... These are people who think being agitators is about pissing people off more than reaching out to them. So they pull out their "Buck Fush" signs at their repetitively irrelevant antiwar demonstrations, or their posters with W sporting a Hitler mustache, because that tends to work so well at convincing folks to oppose the slaughter in Iraq. But effectiveness isn't what matters to them. What matters to them is raging against the machine for the sake of rage itself. Their message is simple: everything sucks, the earth is doomed, all cops are brutal, all soldiers are baby-killers, all people who work for corporations are evil, blah, blah, blah, right on down the line. It's as if much of the left has become co-dependent with despondency, addicted to its own isolation, and enamored of its moral purity and unwillingness to work with mere liberals. In the name of ideological asceticism, they spurn the hard work of movement building and inspiring others to join the struggle, snicker at those foolish enough to not understand or appreciate their superior philosophical constructs, and then act shocked when their movements and groups accomplish exactly nothing. ... Read more at: AlterNet
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Robert Weissman: "The System Implodes: The 10 Worst Corporations of 2008" - Multinational Monitor
[excerpt] ... What is most revealing about the financial meltdown and economic crisis, however, is that it illustrates that corporations — if left to their own worst instincts — will destroy themselves and the system that nurtures them. It is rare that this lesson is so graphically illustrated. It is one the world must quickly learn, if we are to avoid the most serious existential threat we have yet faced: climate change. ... Read more at: Multinational Monitor
The Reckoning - Citigroup Saw No Red Flags Even as It Made Bolder Bets - Series - NYTimes.com
Cited last night by Rick Perlstein, Washington Post economic writer, on PBS Charlie Rose and Dean Baker at his "Beat the Press" blog - read it at: NYTimes.com
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Truth-Teller for Our Times - by Nick Turse and Tom Engelhardt
Colin Powell's aide and confidant confesses to become a A Truth-Teller for Our Times
Obama's Foreign Policy: The Case for Pessimism- by Justin Raimondo
[excerpt] ... Obama's appointments on the foreign policy front prefigure a policy of paralyzing caution and indecision. Just look at the cast of characters who will be major players on the national security field: not only Hillary and Gen. Jones, but also Joe Biden, who fancies himself a foreign policy maven and will no doubt want to play a major role in the decision-making process. This has all the makings of a three-way bureaucratic turf war, and the result is bound to be paralysis, rather than change of any desirable sort. Obama's first concern, as he takes office, will be facing America's economic crisis, and his full attention will be required for an extended period – plenty of time for the built-in rivalry in the foreign policy apparatus to take root and fester. ... Read more Justin Raimondo
Truthdig - Chris Hedges: "Starving for Change"
Gates and the Urge to Surge | CommonDreams.org
Ex-Senior CIA analyst Ray McGovern writes: [excerpt] ... The real "success" of the Iraq "surge" is proving to be that it will let President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney leave office on Jan. 20, 2009, without having to admit that they were responsible for a strategic disaster. They can lay the blame for failure on their successors. ... Read more at: CommonDreams.org
Oh yeah...Remembering the War and Other National and Global Crises | This Can't Be Happening!
Dave Lindorff is on-time with this one! [excerpt] ... Let me put this simply: Nothing progressive that has been proposed by the Obama campaign can be achieved while the US is engaged in these two criminal wars. No health care reform, no increase in education loans, no early childhood education, no public works jobs programs, Nothing. And then there is climate change. ... After today's press conference where President-elect Obama announced his "economic team" I think you need to read: This Can't Be Happening!
Death Of The Dollar
Two short videos that even your children can understand, as a matter of fact, they will have to understand. Watch them at: Death Of The Dollar
Sunday, November 23, 2008
totse.com | The Guns of Dallas
Israel continues starvation of Gazans despite UN pleas : Information Clearing House - ICH
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Your Weekly Address from President-elect Obama
President-elect Barack Obama announces he has directed his economic team to assemble an Economic Recovery Plan that will save or create 2.5 million more jobs by January of 2011. For more information, visit http://change.gov.
Electric Politics : "Centrism Leads Nowhere"
EP's host, George Kenney interviews Bill Fletcher, Jr. about President-elect Obama. Find the audio download here.
Jay Greathouse: "Family Farms Pulled Us Out of the Great Depression" | CommonDreams.org
[excerpt] It seems to be a widely held myth that World War II was the main agent for moving the United States out of the Great Depression of the 1930s. Cornell University Professor George F. Warren, an important adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt on rural development policy, figured out that it is agriculture that leads countries into and out of depressions. The Roosevelt Administration is the only administration that tried to do something about supporting the family farm. Our recovery started in 1942, the year the Steagall Amendment to the War Stabilization Act mandated farm parity, but the war got the credit. We then had ten years of economic stability until 1952 when the Steagall Amendment was allowed to expire. ... Read more at: CommonDreams.org
Texas hearing on Dick Cheney, Alberto Gonzales indictment turns chaotic | AfterDowningStreet.org
[excerpt] Associated Press - RAYMONDVILLE, Texas — A county prosecutor who brought indictments against Vice President Dick Cheney, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and others pounded his fist and shouted at the judge Friday about special treatment for high-profile defendants as a routine motions hearing descended into chaos. ... Read more at: AfterDowningStreet.org
Robert Parry: " The GOP Judge Who Bolted on Gitmo" - Consortiumnews.com
"To understand how thin the evidence must have been against five Algerians held at Guantanamo Bay for nearly seven years – and who were just ordered released by a U.S. District Court judge – you have to know the history of that judge, Richard J. Leon. ..." Read more at: Consortiumnews.com
t r u t h o u t | Ditch the Smooth Transition. The People Voted for Change.
Michael Hudson: Paulson's Cascade of Lies
Michael Hudson: Paulson's Cascade of Lies: "The Fed has refused to let Congress know any details – any details at all – about its cash-for-trash swaps with these institutions. This is what concerns Congress, and what has prompted reporters at Bloomberg to bring a lawsuit in order to discover and publicize the details. It is not hard to see why this curiosity exists."
Alexander Cockburn: The Honeymoon is Looking a Bit Wan
He is ripping off a new hide from Hillary in this one.
Obama’s “left” cheerleaders and the right-wing transition
Friday, November 21, 2008
T. G. I. F. message of the Week: "Tell this to Obama!"
Bill and Kathleen Christison: The Irresponsibility of Appointing Hillary Clinton Secretary of State
The link embedded below was repeatedly recited last night on the Radio Free Kansas "Shock Barack Talk" episode. [excerpt] " ... We hope others will join us in this effort to bring about the beginning of real change, rather than meaningless promises of change, in U.S. foreign policies. You can do this by going to http://www.change.gov/, then clicking on 'about,' then on 'contact' and, when asked in what category your message should be put, choose 'agenda.' Say anything in your message that you yourself want to say. ... " Tell them something practical like cutting off all military aid, everywhere, including the damnable military bases abroad - nationalize every damn industry that has anything to do with energy and deliver universal free health care like the rest of the world. After letting the Obama hero-worshippers know that, ask them to quit panhandling money and spamming poor people like the preachers on television. Read more at: Bill and Kathleen Christison on Counterpunch: The Irresponsibility of Appointing Hillary Clinton Secretary of State
GOPers face JoCo discipline | KansasCity.com Prime Buzz
A reader forwards with the comment, "Kris Kobach is such an ass!" [excerpt] " ... State party officials, led by Republican Chairman Kris Kobach, approved a loyalty plank in the party’s constitution last year: Anyone holding a party position that donated money to a Democrat would forfeit their voting rights. ..." Yes, Mabel, your political party has been taken over by a bunch of right-wing totalitarian zealots. The ones who gave former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline a higher paying job after he lost the statewide election has launched it's latest purge. Read all about it at: KansasCity.com Prime Buzz
Jonathan Cook's latest book Out Now! - Disappearing Palestine
Mr. Cook's latest book is receiving advance praise! [excerpt] “No one is a keener observer of Zionism’s true goals, from its bald usurpation of land and resources to its bad faith about seeking real peace. The book provides an unusual depth of evidence and sharp analysis, and a devastating indictment of Zionism. It is a penetrating piece of scholarship and a gem of easy readability.” -- Kathleen Christison, former CIA analyst and author of Perceptions of Palestine (1999) Inquiries for ordering the book is available at: Disappearing Palestine
Dr. Eyad al-Serraj: "At the Erez Crossing"
Submitted from a reader abroad on behalf of the doctor. The doctor works for the Gaza Mental Health Project in Palestine. [excerpt] "How much did I want to travel to see you and all the dear friends, to see the world and to breathe some fresh air, to reassure my senses that there are some normal things and normal people out there. ..." Read more at Discomfit magazine.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Antiwar groups fear Barack Obama may create hawkish Cabinet - Los Angeles Times
Hat tip to the reader who sent this along to others! [excerpt] Activists note that most of the candidates for top security posts voted for the 2002 resolution authorizing President Bush to invade Iraq or otherwise supported launching the war. ... Read more at the Los Angeles Times
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 11/20/2008 | How low can market go? Outlook for economy is grim
Robert Gates: As Bad As Rumsfeld? - by Ray McGovern
[excerpt] ... What can Barack Obama be thinking? I suspect that those in Obama's circle who are promoting Gates may be the same advisers responsible for Obama's most naïve comment of the recent presidential campaign: that the "surge" of US troops into Iraq in 2007-08 "succeeded beyond our wildest dreams." Succeeded? You betcha – the surge was a great success in terms of the administration's overriding objective. The aim was to stave off definitive defeat in Iraq until President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney could swagger from the West Wing into the western sunset on Jan. 20, 2009. ... Read Ray McGovern at Antiwar.com
Electric Politics | EP Podcast: Something Amazing
Truthdig's Robert Scheer: "Change We Can Bank On"
t r u t h o u t | New Blackwater Iraq Scandal: Guns, Silencers and Dog Food
BBC aired a brief interview with Blackwater's media rep yesterday, claiming ownership of a ship capable of guarding oil tankers in danger of being pirated. What next?
Steve Weissman: "Bill Ayers and the Demons to Come"
[excerpt] " ... Many Democrats will dismiss Limbaugh as a voice of the past, who is simply trying to boost his audience ratings. But that's just the point. For all his noxious rhetoric, the motor mouth from Missouri knows precisely the kind of red meat his listeners crave, and he's happy to serve it up - just as right-wing broadcasters did against John F. Kennedy and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., with results we know too well. Pray for an era of Kumbaya, if you will. My bet is that Limbaugh is only an opening wedge for the anti-Obama war still to come. To paraphrase an earlier column, welcome to the counterrevolution. ..." Read more t r u t h o u t
t r u t h o u t | Cheney Arraignment Set for Friday
Raymondville, Texas - A Texas judge has set a Friday arraignment for Vice President Dick Cheney, former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, a state senator and others named in indictments accusing them of responsibility for prisoner abuse in a South Texas federal detention center. ... t r u t h o u t
Holder on Bush, Executive Power | CommonDreams.org
Judging by his past statements, Eric Holder Jr., reportedly Barack Obama's top pick for attorney general, may aim to roll back several of the Bush administration's most controversial legal moves if he is selected for the post. ... CommonDreams.org
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Break the Bailout! | Red State Rebels
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Daily Kos: State of the Nation "What's the matter with Kansas - in photos"
Kansas in photos - the church is but one hot bed of anti-abortion extremists, sometimes attended by convicted domestic terrorists - the real ones ... not the sixties Weatherman type. Daily Kos: State of the Nation
The Eyeball Series
Cryptome just keeps on giving ... eyeballing like a real gum shoe. It keeps the surveillance coffee mug warm for me. Check out this backgrounder about our new C.I.A. director here. It just doesn't get any better than this at the Eyeball Series
Michael Hudson: Bankers Shake Down Congress and the G-20
First post hat tip to Counterpunch for this [excerpt] " ... Now that the Fed is doing this, the Treasury can turn to its own form of giveaway: buying bank stocks at far above their market price (that is, the price paid by investors such as Warren Buffett for Goldman Sachs stock), on terms that permit the banks to turn around and use the money to buy other banks, pay out as dividends to shareholders or pay high executive salaries rather than helping mortgage debtors. “I don’t think the government should put money into failing institutions,” Mr. Kashkari assured Congress, explaining that the bailout of A.I.G., Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would be in vain without yet further government bailouts. Rep. Kucinich’s final remark to Mr. Kashkari was: “That statement that you just made, you will hear about for the rest of your career. ... " Read the latest from Dr.Michael Hudson
Democracy Now! | Naomi Klein on the Bailout Profiteers and the Multi-Trillion-Dollar Crime Scene
[excerpt from the rush transcript] "... Many tax attorneys who were interviewed by the Washington Post said that they felt that the way in which the Treasury Department went about this by unilaterally changing the tax code was illegal, that this had to be—this had to include Congress. Congress only found out about it after the fact. There’s another piece of this puzzle that is also borderline illegal, which is that in addition to the $700 billion that we are discussing, the $700 billion bailout, there’s another $2 trillion that’s been handed out by the Federal Reserve in emergency loans to financial institutions, to banks, that actually we don’t really know who they’re handing the money out to, because, apparently, it’s a secret. They could be handing it out to a range of other corporations—I think they are—but they’re saying that they won’t disclose who has received these taxpayer loans, because it could cause a run on the banks, it could cause the market to lose confidence in the institutions that have taken these loans. Once again, that represents an additional $2 trillion. ..." Read, listen or view the program with Naomi Klein at:
Democracy Now!
Democracy Now!
Monday, November 17, 2008
SEC Hits Mark Cuban With Insider Trading Charges, Potentially $3 Million in Payments - BusinessWeek
t r u t h o u t | Never Forget
Democracy and Class Struggle
Philosophy and media from another planet? "Underground" or "revolutionary" or "radically different" ... clearly transmitting from somewhere important in cyberspace ... Democracy and Class Struggle
Chimes of Freedom
The social news network grows ... "eurosocialist, antifascist" bookmark Rory Winter's Chimes of Freedom for dissident news from "across the pond."
What's Wrong With the News?
Think US Is Moving Far Left? That Terrain's Not Even Close | CommonDreams.org
Pierre Tristam writes: [excerpt] The infernal machinery of reactionary America -- the editorial page of The Wall Street Journal and its animatronics version on Fox News, The Weekly Standard, the nasal intellects of talk radio like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity -- would have you believe that Barack Obama's presidency will be a radical break from right-leaning America. If only. Here's what radical would look like. ... Think US Is Moving Far Left? That Terrain's Not Even Close
t r u t h o u t | What Indy Media Heroes and History Can Teach Us
Obama Needs a Protest Movement | CommonDreams.org
Esteemed writer, Frances Fox Piven has a point, but misses the fundamental fact that the "protest" movement has already began. American consumers are not consuming, they are staying home and saving money and resources for a future conflict. The "general strike" is already happening, without sloganeers - which will come as the economy grows more moribund. Obama Needs a Protest Movement
LJWorld.com / Former President Bush accepts Dole prize, encourages public service
Does "public service" include speaking out against war crimes carried out by U. S. empire? Oblique reference to "hecklers" is mentioned.
kansascity.com | 11/16/2008 | Former president faces hecklers in Lawrence
Veterans Occupy National Archives | AfterDowningStreet.org
Audio files of the speeches the various participants delivered from the face of the National Archives Building will be broadcast as part of the "Wednesday Mysteries" program for Radio Free Kansas. Until then, further updates are available at: AfterDowningStreet.org
Sunday, November 16, 2008
vets for peace Chapter 72 group

[excerpt] On Saturday, November 15, at 8:00 am, at the National Archives Building on Connecticut Ave., eight military veterans and a military mother climbed a 9-foot retaining fence and occupied a ninety-foot high scaffolding to raise two 450 square foot banners stating, "DEFEND OUR CONSTITUTION. ARREST BUSH AND CHENEY: WAR CRIMINALS!" and "WE WILL NOT BE SILENT." The same message will also be displayed at demonstrations in the Los Angeles area on Saturday. Members of Veterans for Peace (VFP) chose the Archives for their nonviolent protest because it is symbolic of their military oath to "defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." ... Read more at: vfp72group
World in Deep Recession - Support The Real News!
Iraq Gov't - "Be careful what you wish for ..."
More at http://therealnews.com/t/in... Sabah al-Nasseri: Will Iraq's 'democracy' reject US plan? pt2/4
Net Neutrality Advocates In Charge Of Obama Team Review of FCC | Threat Level from Wired.com
Nouriel Roubini: "The Worst Is Not Behind Us" : Information Clearing House - ICH
[excerpt] " ... --The U.S. will experience its most severe recession since World War II, much worse and longer and deeper than even the 1974-1975 and 1980-1982 recessions. The recession will continue until at least the end of 2009 for a cumulative gross domestic product drop of over 4%; the unemployment rate will likely reach 9%. The U.S. consumer is shopped-out, saving less and debt-burdened: This will be the worst consumer recession in decades. ... " Read more at: Information Clearing House
Naomi Klein: "In Praise of a Rocky Transition"
[excerpt] The more details emerge, the clearer it becomes that Washington's handling of the Wall Street bailout is not merely incompetent. It is borderline criminal. ... Read more
One-Sided Propaganda `Journalism' About a Destabilizing Boondoggle | This Can't Be Happening!
Dave Lindorff writes: A CBS/Associated Press story yesterday reported that the man who runs the Pentagon’s anti-missile program, Lt. Gen. Henry Obering III, had warned incoming President-elect Barack Obama that any reversal of Bush/Cheney administration plans to install anti-ballistic missile missiles in Poland would “severely hurt” American interests. ... Read more at This Can't Be Happening!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Truthdig - Financial Meltdown 101
A fantastic multi-media tour to prime the mental pumps of those who have been soaked and overwhelmed - Truthdig - Financial Meltdown 101
John Pilger: "Beware The Obama Hype" : Information Clearing House - ICH
[excerpt] ... "Obama's first two crucial appointments represent a denial of the wishes of his supporters on the principal issues on which they voted. The vice-president-elect, Joe Biden, is a proud warmaker and Zionist. Rahm Emanuel, who is to be the all-important White House chief of staff, is a fervent 'neoliberal' devoted to the doctrine that led to the present economic collapse and impoverishment of millions. He is also an 'Israel-first' Zionist who served in the Israeli army and opposes meaningful justice for the Palestinians – an injustice that is at the root of Muslim people's loathing of the United States and the spawning of jihadism." ... Read more.
In a Downturn, Employers Cut Jobs Rather than Pay - BusinessWeek
Why would they cut workers' wages when most are not making a living wage anyhow? [excerpt] ... By raising pay while cutting jobs, companies can "thin the herd" while giving remaining workers "the big corporate hug they need," says William C. Yoh, CEO and president of Yoh, a unit of Day & Zimmerman Group that supplies high-tech temps. Starbucks (SBUX) recently announced it was cutting jobs but isn't cutting pay or benefits. "We have to take care of our partners [i.e., employees] and keep them engaged," says spokeswoman Tara Darrow. ... Read more at: BusinessWeek
NewsDaily: Indictments possible in UBS inquiry: report
National Public Radio is reporting this morning that 20,000 wealthy individuals were advised by an executive on methods of evading paying taxes. [excerpt] ... The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating UBS over offshore services provided to U.S. clients from 2000 to 2007 to find out whether UBS helped wealthy Americans dodge taxes. The Swiss bank was singled out by U.S. President-elect Barack Obama as one of the banks who helped "tax cheats." It decided earlier this year to stop offering offshore Swiss bank accounts to U.S. citizens. ... The story is developing ... here's an earlier report.
Dr. Bill Roy: "From the very bottom of the American social scale"
Dr. Bill Roy, former Kansas congressman ('70 - '74) returns to Discomfit Magazine with a historical view of black women in Kansas, as he witnesses the progress of Michele Obama as our new First Lady. Read it at: Discomfit magazine.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tomgram: Michael Klare, The Energy Challenge of Our Lifetime
The pump price of gasoline is plummeting, but don't be fooled - the shock of the last spike is but the beginning of another, especially as worldwide demand continues to grow. Here's a teaser from Tom's introduction to Klare's article: " ... Consider present global energy prices the equivalent of a mirage. Just this week, the International Energy Agency released the findings from its upcoming annual report, warning that, in the coming years, oil will once again break the $100 a barrel barrier and -- they target 2030, but it could be far sooner -- the $200 barrier as well. Whether six months or six years from now, a new spike in energy prices, if we are unprepared, could rock an already staggering planet. ... " Read
Michael Klare, The Energy Challenge of Our Lifetime
Michael Klare, The Energy Challenge of Our Lifetime
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Mark Pittman, Bob Ivry and Alison Fitzgerald: "Fed Defies Transparency Aim in Refusal to Disclose" - Bloomberg.com: Worldwide
[excerpt] ... ``The collateral is not being adequately disclosed, and that's a big problem,'' said Dan Fuss, vice chairman of Boston- based Loomis Sayles & Co., where he co-manages $17 billion in bonds. ``In a liquid market, this wouldn't matter, but we're not. The market is very nervous and very thin.'' Bloomberg News has requested details of the Fed lending under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act and filed a federal lawsuit Nov. 7 seeking to force disclosure. The Fed made the loans under terms of 11 programs, eight of them created in the past 15 months, in the midst of the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. ``It's your money; it's not the Fed's money,'' said billionaire Ted Forstmann, senior partner of Forstmann Little & Co. in New York. ``Of course there should be transparency.'' ... Bloomberg.com: Worldwide
Hofstra Anti-War Protesters Plead Not Guilty | CommonDreams.org
Random Lengths News - Serving the 7 Cities of the Los Angeles Harbor Area - "Mudslinging Socialism"
Editor and Publisher James Preston Allen writes: [excerpt] ... Obama has also been slandered with the “socialist” moniker for wanting to reform national health care, fund education and reinvest in our nation’s infrastructure––all very socialist ideas according to McPalin. I can personally attest and advise Mr. Obama that it is of little use to explain economics to rightwing dunderheads, as I have been trying for many years to explain things as simple as who owns the sidewalk in front of their business on Main Street but to little avail. For the rest of you who have to put up with the incessant ranting of our rightwing brethren, I’ll give you a few simple arguments. ... Read more of his editorial at: Random Lengths News
Guns sales surge after Obama's election - CNN.com


The Empire's engineered Depression, will 'bring the Wars home'! The coming 'third world' United States of America.
The hysteria among the social-reactionaries as a result of the elections is but one disturbing indication of their insecurity after the long decades of fear-dominated propaganda by anti-democratic media monopolies. The swindling Wall Street banksters, corrupt military contractors and "Old South" racists are gearing up for violent reaction against their perceptions of government intrusion. The gun sales are just the tip of the iceberg.
Read the report at: CNN.com
Robert Parry: "Beware the lessons of '93" - Consortiumnews.com
President-elect Obama is being told to forego investigations of George W. Bush's war crimes, but he should recall how the last Democratic President got burned with similar advice, writes Robert Parry. [excerpt] Barack Obama seeks a new era of bipartisanship, but he should take heed of what happened to the last Democrat in the White House – Bill Clinton – in 1993 when he sought to appease Republicans by shelving pending investigations into Reagan-Bush-I-era wrongdoing and hoped for some reciprocity. ... Read more at Consortiumnews.com
`Too Big to Fail' Has an Easy Answer: Anti-Trust or Public Control | This Can't Be Happening!
[excerpt] The one thing we are not hearing from Congress or from incoming president Barack Obama in the current economic crisis facing the country are the words “anti-trust” and “public ownership and control.” ... Read more at: This Can't Be Happening!
Bush Irked by Leak on Private Talk With Obama Over Trade, Aid to Automakers - FOXNews.com
The Idiot Factor: Kansas majority said “piss on the rest of America! We stay red”
THIS IS HELL - WNUR 89.3 Chicago
Download mischief and intelligent talk, an abbreviated one hour show. Vince Bugliosi author of the new and highly controversial book, "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder."
THIS IS HELL - WNUR 89.3 Chicago
THIS IS HELL - WNUR 89.3 Chicago
Electric Politics | International Calling
Web host and internet audio show master, George Kenney reports that the net phone provider "Skype" has improved it's quality since last year. Read on at: Electric Politics International Calling
James Howard Kunstler: "Presto Chang - O"
[excerpt] ... The current low-ish price of oil is a total fake-out, having to do much more with asset-dumping in the paper markets than the true resource supply-demand equation. Most of the world (the media for sure) has ignored preliminary leaks from the International Energy Agency's (IEA) forthcoming report which forecasts global oil depletion to be 9.1 percent in 2009. This is a staggering figure, very likely to offset whatever slack we see in global demand from the worldwide economic crisis. In fact, the global oil markets are poised for the most severe dislocations ever seen, meaning it's a toss-up what happens first in the USA: a major leg back up in oil prices, or shortages, hoarding, and rationing. ... More at James Howard Kunstler
t r u t h o u t | Robert Reich: "The Mini-Depression and the Maximum-Strength Remedy"
[excerpt] ... The real problem is on the demand side of the economy. Consumers won't or can't borrow because they're at the end of their ropes. Their incomes are dropping (one of the most sobering statistics in Friday's jobs report was the continued erosion of real median earnings), they're deeply in debt, and they're afraid of losing their jobs. ... More at t r u t h o u t
Paul Craig Roberts: Conned Again?
[excerpt] ... Rahm Emanuel is a supporter of Bush’s invasion of Iraq. Emanuel rose to prominence in the Democratic Party as a result of his fundraising connections to AIPAC. A strong supporter of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, he comes from a terrorist family. His father was a member of Irgun, a Jewish terrorist organization that used violence to drive the British and Palestinians out of Palestine in order to create the Jewish state. During the 1991 Gulf War, Rahm Emanuel volunteered to serve in the Israel Defense Forces. He was a member of the Freddie Mac board of directors and received $231,655 in directors fees in 2001. ... Read more at: Counterpunch!
Truthdig - Chris Hedges: "America the Illiterate"
[excerpt] We live in two Americas. One America, now the minority, functions in a print-based, literate world. It can cope with complexity and has the intellectual tools to separate illusion from truth. The other America, which constitutes the majority, exists in a non-reality-based belief system. ... Read more (if you can) at: Truthdig
Grim economic data throws spotlight on crisis summit | Reuters
Monday, November 10, 2008
Michael Hudson - financial economist and historian
The "largest theft in U. S. history" is still going on ... one of the most important interviews to listen to today!
On "Guns and Butter" - the show's host recounts hearing a woman on the stock exchange yelling that nobody knows what's going on. Dr. Michael Hudson unpacks the most recent events in finance in a clear fashion. [excerpt from the show's site] "The Bailout's New Financial Oligarchy" with economist and financial historian, Dr. Michael Hudson, discussing the largest financial theft in American history - the evolving giveaway to Wall Street crooks. We talk about the class war leading to depopulation, de-industrialization, poverty, and sharply increasing default and debt. The bailout offers no help to the economy. The only way to resolve the crisis is to write down the debt, and this is not being done. We discuss the IMF/World Bank, the end of foreign investment, Enron-style accounting, and the false cover story promulgated through media deception. The bailout is a gangland operation to pay the pals of Paulson. ... click and listen to this show here.
On "Guns and Butter" - the show's host recounts hearing a woman on the stock exchange yelling that nobody knows what's going on. Dr. Michael Hudson unpacks the most recent events in finance in a clear fashion. [excerpt from the show's site] "The Bailout's New Financial Oligarchy" with economist and financial historian, Dr. Michael Hudson, discussing the largest financial theft in American history - the evolving giveaway to Wall Street crooks. We talk about the class war leading to depopulation, de-industrialization, poverty, and sharply increasing default and debt. The bailout offers no help to the economy. The only way to resolve the crisis is to write down the debt, and this is not being done. We discuss the IMF/World Bank, the end of foreign investment, Enron-style accounting, and the false cover story promulgated through media deception. The bailout is a gangland operation to pay the pals of Paulson. ... click and listen to this show here.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Vermont Vox Populi: A Conversation with "Carbon Farmers of America's" Abe Collins - Vermont Commons
[excerpt] "John Ford and Jim Hogue interviewed Abe Collins on Jim's radio program on WGDR radio in Plainfield. ... CAT: Tell us about your farm operation in St. Albans.
I farm with my family here in St. Albans. We share-milk on Teddy Yandow's farm. We are an all-grass, organic dairy – one of a growing handful of dairies in the United States doing no-grain dairying. We have created a new company, Carbon Farmers of America, to advance the idea that soil building can reverse climate change, and that the planned grazing of livestock on perennial grasslands is the single most-effective way to rapidly create new topsoil. ... Read more at: Vermont Vox Populi
I farm with my family here in St. Albans. We share-milk on Teddy Yandow's farm. We are an all-grass, organic dairy – one of a growing handful of dairies in the United States doing no-grain dairying. We have created a new company, Carbon Farmers of America, to advance the idea that soil building can reverse climate change, and that the planned grazing of livestock on perennial grasslands is the single most-effective way to rapidly create new topsoil. ... Read more at: Vermont Vox Populi
BBC NEWS | Americas | US Elections 2008 | Obama 'to use executive orders'
Oil drilling, stem-cell research, but what of the other more draconian and unconstitutional ones of infamy? Is this mere sop to the progressives, or just the beginning?
Alexander Cockburn: Hail to the Chief of Staff
[excerpt] The first trumpet blast of change ushers in Rahm Emanuel as Obama’s chief of staff and gate keeper. This is the man who arranges his schedule, staffs out the agenda, includes, excludes. It’s certainly as sinister an appointment as, say, Carter’s installation of arch cold-warrior Zbigniev Brzezinski as his National Security Advisor at the dawn of his “change is here” administration in 1977. Emanuel, as Ralph Nader points out in my interview with him below, represents the worst of the Clinton years. His profile as regards Israel is explored well on this site by lawyer John Whitbeck. ... Read more
Alexander Cockburn and donate during the Counterpunch annual fund drive, today!
Alexander Cockburn and donate during the Counterpunch annual fund drive, today!
Kansas City - Plog - Anti-war activist puts principal's name in a pile of poop
A reader writes: "Here's how my friend David handled a war monger who was throwing trash at his anti-war signs in his yard ... And in case you are as outraged as I am and want to do something about this: (By the way, this high school serves a majority of low income and minority kids) Wyandotte High School, 2501 Minnesota, Kansas City, KS 66102. Phone: (913) 627-7650 / Fax: (913) 627-7700 Principal: Walter Thompson [end quote] Patient, deliberate the sleuth works the case until the lead breaks with the facts. And then, there's the follow-up after public sentencing, click here.
Truthdig - David Sirota: "Only One Good Path for the Democrats: Go Big"
[excerpt] What the party gains in strength it loses in a Republican scapegoat that previously justified inaction. On huge issues—whether re-regulating Wall Street, reforming trade, solving the health care emergency, or ending the Iraq war—America envisages enormous progress in the months ahead, and Democrats will have no one to blame for failure but themselves. After all, with over 360 electoral votes, a President Obama cannot credibly claim he lacks the political capital to legislatively steamroll a humiliated GOP and its remaining senators. The same goes for Democrats everywhere. Meeting expectations requires championing far-reaching—even radical—initiatives. More at Truthdig
t r u t h o u t | Palin Blamed for Death Threats Against Obama
[excerpt] " ... The attacks provoked a near lynch mob atmosphere at her rallies, with supporters yelling "terrorist" and "kill him" until the McCain campaign ordered her to tone down the rhetoric. But it has now emerged that her demagogic tone may have unintentionally encouraged white supremacists to go even further. The Secret Service warned the Obama family in mid October that they had seen a dramatic increase in the number of threats against the Democratic candidate, coinciding with Mrs Palin's attacks. ..." More at t r u t h o u t
President-Elect Obama and Getting the Change We Deserve | This Can't Be Happening!
[excerpt] Now that the street dancing is over, and President-elect Barack Obama is measuring the drapes for the new Oval Office (let’s hope he loses the mounted Saddam Hussein matching pistol set and that he has the direct hard-wired link between the Vice President’s Office and the Pentagon severed), it’s time to start focusing on how to make this new president live up to his mantra of “Change We Can Believe In.” ... Read more at This Can't Be Happening!
President-elect's Queries to Briefers - by Ray McGovern
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Iowa Farmers Look to Trap Carbon in Soil : NPR
A reader comments: "Mike, You need to encourage these corn farmers in Jeff County to start raising grass-fed animals, and stop planting corn! Go organic! Become carbon farmers! To hell with Monsanto! ..." Iowa Farmers Look to Trap Carbon in Soil : NPR
From Cold War To Class War : Information Clearing House - ICH
Tom Feely gets "first post" hat tip for this outstanding interview on KPFA's "Guns and Butter" with Dr. Michael Hudson. Tom did the download, so you don't have to! The hottest current discussion of where the U. S. economy is going ... absolute must listening this weekend at ICH
Real Change Depends on Stopping the Bailout Profiteers | Naomi Klein
[excerpt] " ... The new president’s only hope of resisting this campaign being waged by the elites is if the remarkable grassroots movement that carried him to victory can somehow stay energized, networked, mobilized—and most of all, critical. Now that the election has been won, this movement's new missions should be clear: loudly holding Obama to his campaign promises, and letting the Democrats know that there will be consequences for betrayal.The first order of business—and one that cannot wait until inauguration—must be halting the robbery-in-progress known as the “economic bailout.” I have spent the past month examining the loopholes and conflicts of interest embedded in the U.S. Treasury Department’s plans. The results of that research can be found in a just published feature article in Rolling Stone, The Bailout Profiteers, as well as my most recent Nation column, Bush’s Final Pillage. ..." Read more at Naomi Klein's web site.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Border Patrol Uses NASCAR To Drive Message - KOAT Albuquerque
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Truthdig - Ear to the Ground - The Obama Administration Begins to Take Shape
Joshua Frank: A Look Under the Hood of an Obama Administration
We've been raising the noise level at Radio Free Kansas, especially since Obama is now "president elect" - and some possible solutions to the problems we're facing will be aired tonight on the Thursday episode of "Shock Barack Radio." In answer to our Perpetual Question for Obama, "How you gonna do it?" Joshua Frank writes: Tuesday’s celebration hangovers have finally started to wear off, and the pieces are beginning to fall into place. Change will be coming to Washington in January, but it is difficult to decipher what form it will take. Early clues, however, suggest that Barack Obama’s administration will prove unlikely to alter the fundamental political machinery that has led us into war and economic turmoil. Below is a brief summary of Obama’s potential choices for a few key roles in his administration. ... Read more at: Counterpunch
Naomi Klein: Real Change Depends on Stopping the Bailout Profiteers
[excerpt] " ... The new president's only hope of resisting this campaign being waged by the elites is if the remarkable grassroots movement that carried him to victory can somehow stay energized, networked, mobilized - and most of all, critical. Now that the election has been won, this movement's new mission should be clear: loudly holding Obama to his campaign promises, and letting the Democrats know that there will be consequences for betrayal. ..." Read more Naomi Klein at Huffington Post.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Robert Parry | Antiwar Radio with Scott Horton and Charles Goyette
A fantastic interview (wish I had thought to ask Bob these kind of questions when he was on RFK radio) and more than worth the download and listen. [excerpt] "Robert Parry, founder of ConsortiumNews.com and author of Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush, discusses advances in biometric surveillance technology, the use of DARPA computer algorithms in identifying militants from afar, how the military rules of engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan allow the spontaneous execution of suspected insurgents, the historical tendency of governments to use technology designed for foreign battlefields on lawful domestic opposition, the dangerous doctrine of the unlimited presidency, the Supreme Court’s perilous liberal majority and TIA’s move to the NSA. ..." Go to Antiwar Radio and get it FREE!
Nation Finally Sh*tty Enough To Make Social Progress | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
[excerpt] " ... Although polls going into the final weeks of October showed Sen. Obama in the lead, it remained unclear whether the failing economy, dilapidated housing market, crumbling national infrastructure, health care crisis, energy crisis, and five-year-long disastrous war in Iraq had made the nation crappy enough to rise above 300 years of racial prejudice and make lasting change. ..." Read more at: The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Pam Martens: Why 2008 Feels Like 1932
[excerpt] The parallels with 1932 are breathtaking: billions in bonds defaulting; dysfunctional global credit markets; commodity prices crumbling; stocks in free fall; home foreclosures; rising unemployment; banks teetering; an angry populace; a Republican administration clinging to their discredited trickle down theory; a Democratic contender for President with charismatic oratory skills tapping into the public mood with a message of a New Deal, this time called “change we can believe in.”
Why 2008 Feels Like 1932
Why 2008 Feels Like 1932
t r u t h o u t | President Obama
Truthdig - Reports - Morning Again in America
Publisher Robert Scheer writes: It’s time to gush! Later for the analysis of all the hard choices faced by our next president, Barack Obama, but for now, let’s just thrill, unabashedly, to the sound of those words. Heck, both he and we deserve a honeymoon, at least for a few paragraphs of this column. ... Read more at Truthdig
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Antiwar.com Blog · Antiwar Radio: Robert Parry
He'll be on today! 12:15 pm (central) Click! Antiwar Radio: Robert Parry
Mike Whitney: "Obama's Little Red Book: Is redistribution really all that bad?" : Information Clearing House
[excerpt] "... Neither McCain nor his media pals mention how the nation's wealth has already been "redistributed" via unfunded tax cuts for the rich, gluttonous $634 billion Pentagon budgets, or trillion dollar bailouts for Wall Street sharpies. That's why the national debt has skyrocketed to $11.3 trillion and the country is on the brink of default. It has nothing to do with the proposed extension of unemployment benefits for the victims of the financial crisis or the prospect of $300 billion in additional stimulus to revive the moribund economy. The Bush administration would never hand out stimulus checks unless it had a gun to its head. ..." Read the rest at: Information Clearing House
Monday, November 03, 2008
Brian Barger: " Fear and Racism on the Campaign Trail" - Consortiumnews.com
Consortium News Editor’s Note: Just days before Election 2008, veteran investigative reporter Brian Barger visited southern Virginia, an area that one of John McCain’s top aides described as part of the “real Virginia” but that also is a target of Barack Obama’s campaign:
Visitors are greeted at the edge of Virginia’s Caroline County with a giant billboard proclaiming it “McCain Country.” It’s also become a call-to-canvassing priority for the Obama campaign, which sees this as a central battleground to win the swing state. ...
Also read the special extended excerpt of the pathbreaking book "Neck Deep" offered as an election supplement "The American Republic in the Balance" by Robert, Sam and Nat Parry at : Consortiumnews.com
Visitors are greeted at the edge of Virginia’s Caroline County with a giant billboard proclaiming it “McCain Country.” It’s also become a call-to-canvassing priority for the Obama campaign, which sees this as a central battleground to win the swing state. ...
Also read the special extended excerpt of the pathbreaking book "Neck Deep" offered as an election supplement "The American Republic in the Balance" by Robert, Sam and Nat Parry at : Consortiumnews.com
The Choice: Comment: The New Yorker
The Flyer's cocky tail plummage and acrimonious calls at dawn still attracts readers from the intelligentsia. A reader forwards: [excerpt] "... In South Carolina in 2000, Bush crushed John McCain with a sub-rosa primary campaign of such viciousness that McCain lashed out memorably against Bush’s Christian-right allies. So profound was McCain’s anger that in 2004 he flirted with the possibility of joining the Democratic ticket under John Kerry. Bush, who took office as a “compassionate conservative,” governed immediately as a rightist ideologue. ..." Read more at The New Yorker
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Robert Parry: " McCain's 'Real-ly Stupid' America" - Consortiumnews.com
John McCain is tying his last-ditch election hopes to more guilt-by-association smears against Barack Obama and more Joe-the-Plumber appeals to voters, Robert Parry writes. [excerpt] Sarah Palin may be wrong about the existence of a “real” America where people are decent and patriotic – and a “fake” America where they’re not. But John McCain’s election chances now appear to hinge on the existence of a “real-ly stupid” America. ... Consortiumnews.com
It Is Now Absolutely Crystal Clear That Republican Rule Is Dangerous and Authoritarian | | AlterNet
John Dean writes: "Republicans rule, rather than govern, when they are in power by imposing their authoritarian conservative philosophy on everyone, as their answer for everything. This works for them because their interest is in power, and in what it can do for those who think as they do. Ruling, of course, must be distinguished from governing, which is a more nuanced process that entails give-and-take and the kind of compromises that are often necessary to find a consensus and solutions that will best serve the interests of all Americans. ... " Read more at AlterNet
Dave Lindorff: "Studs and Me" | This Can't Be Happening!
Contributing writer, investigative journalist, Dave Lindorff discusses his meeting with one of my life-long inspirations, Studs Terkel: "I only met the master interviewer Studs Terkel, who died Friday at 96, once but that occasion remains a high point of my 35 years as a journalist. And the funny part is, although I was a reporter, I didn’t meet him in that role, but rather as interviewee. ..." Read more at: This Can't Be Happening!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Joshua Frank: Memo to Progressives for Obama
Comments? Several on Radio Free Kansas should have something to say about this. [excerpt] ... All of this wouldn't bother me much if it weren't for the overt hypocrisy so many progressives, and a few radicals, are exhibiting with their blind support for Obama. It's one thing to embrace pragmatic voting and lesser-evilism on the grounds that we don't really live in a true democracy. It's quite another to be excited about the prospect of electing a man who doesn't stand for the issues you do, and is in fact campaigning against them. ... Memo to Progressives for Obama
Palin falls prey to Canadian pranksters | Reuters
[excerpt] ... In an over-the-top French accent, a member of the Quebec comedy duo "The Masked Avengers," famous for tricking celebrities and politicians including Sarkozy himself, asked if Palin would take him on a hunting trip by helicopter, and then in French said they could also go kill baby seals. An apparently oblivious Palin said she thought that would be fun. "We could have a lot of fun together as we're getting work done. We could kill two birds with one stone that way." ... Read more Reuters
Studs Terkel dies -- chicagotribune.com
My favorite old lion will not see this Winter, I grieve.
US Elections: "Is the fox guarding the hen house?" - The Real News
What is the matter with these Republicans?
Gov. Kathleen Sebelius speaking at a Wichita, Ks rally.
Radio Free Kansas: Program Announcement
The Home Stretch!
Election News without all the lights and only a few bells and whistles!
Today, Saturday, Nov. 1st at High Noon (central, US) Free Speech Radio News 30 min., Featured interviews with candidates for the 3rd District Jefferson county, Ks. commissioners race; incumbent Francis Grollmes and Richard Malm.
Local news features gleaned from the county newspapers and a tally on the number of registered voters in the county.
Also, a presentation by one of our regular guests from Missouri, on the voter organizing efforts of the Obama campaign in the "show-me" state.
Tonight Time Change Reminder: "Fall back one hour."
Sunday Night Stakeout 8pm (central, US) will feature Jim Slattery live on the last hours and days of his campaign for Sen. Pat Roberts office. One of the most contested races in recent memory as daily newspapers, the Kansas City Star and the Wichita Eagle have both endorsed Slattery. Both newspapers in the past have endorsed Roberts, during multiple terms.
Listen in, Slattery live - callers at Jim's call. Tuesday Night - election day results - beginning at 10pm.
OzarksFirst.com Media Player
Why the Hell is he going into this territory? And all you nutcase racists in Kansas, why do you talk this way? OzarksFirst.com Media Player
McCain Supporter Sparks Showdown at Obama Rally | American News Project
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